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Professionalism History & Theories Infants Toddlers Pre-K School Age

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Presentation on theme: "Professionalism History & Theories Infants Toddlers Pre-K School Age"— Presentation transcript:

1 Professionalism History & Theories Infants Toddlers Pre-K School Age 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 Dimension of Professionalism
Includes advocacy, communicating with others

3 Public Presentation

4 Code of Professional Ethics
Guided by

5 National Association for the Education of Early Childhood
NAEYC National Association for the Education of Early Childhood

6 Knowing what you believe about
Children, your feelings, appropriate and inappropriate practices

7 Your Philosophy on Education

8 Asthma, Obesity, and lead poisoning

9 Three Leading Childhood Diseases in US

10 Unwanted touching, hitting
Teasing, name calling, slapping, taking personal belongings

11 Bullying

12 The Theory of “Blank Tablets”

13 John Locke

14 “Orbis Pictus”

15 The First Picture Book

16 Design the first concepts
Of Universal Literacy

17 Martin Luther

18 Theorized children as “Gifts and Occupations”

19 Frederick Froebel

20 Theorist that made popular the “Age-Stage”

21 Jean Piaget

22 When a toddler says “Go out”

23 Telegraphic Speech

24 vs. the enduring emotional tie between infant and parents
Process by which parents or teachers become emotionally attached to infants vs. the enduring emotional tie between infant and parents

25 Bonding Attachment

26 A baby who is getting enough nourishment but is failing to grow

27 “Failure to Thrive”

28 -- It is sequential -- From cephalo to caudal -- From gross to fine

29 Motor Development

30 This is developed when, basic needs are met, the environment is loving and warm, and educated in a predictable and consistent environment

31 Trust

32 Needed for success in both life and school and the most important readiness skills

33 Language Skills

34 Child is rocking a baby doll and asks another child to be quiet because the baby is sleeping, is an example of this type of play

35 What is sociodramatic Play

36 Increased focus on standards, literacy development and introduction of standards are the result of this act

37 Leave No Child Behind of 2001

38 A child using a wooden block is an example of this type of play

39 Symbolic

40 The goals of these places now include these goals - Solve or find solutions to social problems - Prepare children to read - Support and develop children’s innate capacity for learning

41 Preschools

42 Research shows that reading achievement is higher among children who attend this program

43 Full-day Kindergarten

44 Alternative Kindergarten where the teacher spends two or more years with the same group of children

45 What is Looping

46 The ability to manipulate language at the levels of syllables, rhymes, and individual speech sounds

47 Phonological Awareness

48 Children’s literacy development before receiving formal reading and writing instruction in is school is known as

49 Emergent Literacy

50 Developmental levels of preconventional, conventional, and postconventional

51 Kolhberg’s Levels of Moral Development

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