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Welcome to Beyone Manufacturing Pro to Trainer

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1 Welcome to Beyone Manufacturing Pro to Trainer
Van Daele & Associates Consulting, Inc.

2 50 One-Minute Tips for Trainers, by: Carrie Van Daele
Book for Reference 50 One-Minute Tips for Trainers, by: Carrie Van Daele

3 Learning Organization
Learning organizations discover how to tap people’s commitment and capacity to learn at ALL levels in an organization, and are continually expanding its capacity to create its future. - Peter Senge The Fifth Discipline

4 Knowledge + Skill = “Mastery”

5 Pre-Test A baseline of your training knowledge.

6 Pre-Test – choose best two answers
1. Characteristics of adult learners are: Problem solvers linking new skill to existing knowledge. Want to memorize information. Want to know the “why.” Rarely need feedback.

7 Pre-Test – choose best two answers
2. Adults learn best through: Lecture / reading. Repetition. Participation & experience. Hearing about the skill and / or doing it once.

8 Pre-Test – choose best two answers
3. Step one of the 4-step training process involves: Trainer stating the job using the Standard Work Instructions [SWI]. Trainer performing job, reading the steps from SWI. Trainer designating whom to go to for help. Trainer explaining safety and quality requirements.

9 Pre-Test – choose best two answers
4. When training on-the-job it is best to: Let the trainee perform the task first, then direct as needed. Choose a long-term employee to train the new employee. Know the objective(s) of the training. Constructively correct errors and ask for trainee’s input.

10 Pre-Test – choose best two answers
5. When developing training objectives the trainer should: Know the skills and knowledge needed for job performance. Use objectives already developed from past training. Describe action(s) the trainee will perform. Make the objective easy to build the trainee’s confidence.

11 Pre-Test – Determine if the statement is true or false
6. Of the three training stages: preliminary, training and follow-up, the most important is the training stage. True False

12 Pre-Test – Determine if the statement is true or false
7. A “gap analysis” is an assessment tool and can be used to determine what the trainees already know and what the trainees need to learn. True False

13 Pre-Test – Determine if the statement is true or false
8. When developing a training program, “core competencies” refers to the skills that each employee brings to their job. True False

14 Pre-Test – Determine if the statement is true or false
9. Subject-Matter-Experts (SME’s) are important resources when developing a training program. True False

15 Pre-Test – Determine if the statement is true or false
10. A majority of the training should include “telling” (lecture) to make sure the trainees understand the information presented, allowing time for questions and answers. True False

16 Euchre Co. Training Approach
What were the training issues? Trial & Error Sink or Swim

17 Three Stages 1. Preliminary Stage Needs Identified (gaps)
Objectives Established Skills/Knowledge Identified Trainer prepares 2. Training Stage Conduct Training 3. Post Training Follow-up Stage Accountability / Feedback

18 Needs Analysis Investigate whether training or some other organization intervention can solve a performance problem. “How might you be involved with a needs analysis?”

19 Gap Analysis “Gap Analysis” – gap between what is happening and what should be happening in terms of performance.

20 Cause Analysis “Cause Analysis” – why are there gaps in performance?
“Are all causes for gaps in performance a training issue?” Examples

21 Cause Analysis Example of gap causes:
Organizational structure (ex. supervisors are “working” supervisors). Lack knowledge/skill (new employee, or employee moved to another line/area). Shortages of resources. Practice.

22 Characteristics of Adult Learners
Less likely to accept external motivation; want to know the “why” Once motivated, are serious learners Apply info to real world situations & solve problems (link new skill to existing knowledge) Vary in education & past experience (have established values & attitudes) May have to “unlearn” first Want feedback

23 Adult Learners Demographic Data: experience level, educational level, job position… Psycho-graphic Data: needs, values, attitudes, beliefs, emotions… 23

24 Let’s take an assessment

25 Assessment Questionnaire…
1. When I operate new equipment I generally: a). read the instructions first b). listen to an explanation from someone who has used it before c). go ahead and have a go, I can figure it out as I use it 2. When I need directions for travelling I usually: a). look at a map / GPS b). ask for spoken directions c). follow my nose and maybe use a compass

26 Assessment Questionnaire…
3. When I cook a new dish, I like to: a). follow a written recipe b). call a friend for an explanation c). follow my instincts, testing as I cook 4. If I am teaching someone something new, I tend to: a). write instructions down for them b). give them a verbal explanation c). demonstrate first and then let them have a go at it

27 Assessment Questionnaire…
5. I tend to say: a). watch how I do it b). listen to me explain c). you have a go at it 6. When I am choosing a vacation I usually: a). read lots of brochures b). listen to recommendations from friends c). imagine what it would be like to be there

28 Assessment Questionnaire…
7. If I was buying a new car, I would: a). read reviews on internet and magazines b). discuss what I need with my friends / family c). test-drive lots of different types 8. When I am learning a new skill, I am most comfortable: a). watching what the teacher is doing b). talking through with the teacher exactly what I’m supposed to do c). giving it a try myself and work it out as I go

29 Assessment Questionnaire…
9. When I am anxious, I: a). visualize the worst-case scenarios b). talk over in my head what worries me most c). can’t sit still, fiddle and move around constantly 10. If I am explaining to someone I tend to: a). show them what I mean b). explain to them in different ways until they understand c). encourage them to try and talk them through my idea as they do it

30 Assessment Questionnaire…
11). I tend to enjoy: a). watching films, photography, looking at art or people watching, reading books b). listening to music, the radio or talking to friends c). taking part in sporting activities, eating fine foods and wines, dancing, or taking in nature

31 Assessment Questionnaire…
12. I first notice how people: a). look and dress b). sound and speak c). stand and move 13. If I am angry, I tend to: a). keep replaying in my mind what it is that has upset me b). raise my voice and tell people how I feel c). stamp about, slam doors and physically demonstrate my anger

32 Assessment Questionnaire…
14. I find it easiest to remember: a). faces b). names c). things I have done 15. I remember things best by: a). writing notes or keeping printed details b). saying them aloud or repeating words and key points in my head c). doing and practicing the activity or imagining it being done

33 Assessment Questionnaire…
Add up your A’s, B’s and C’s. A’s = Visual B’s = Auditory C’s = Kinesthetic

34 Learning Styles: We take in new information differently so appeal to as many senses as you can:
Audio – transfer info through information heard. This style will use phrases such as “tell me”, “let’s talk it over” and will be best able to perform a new task after listening to instructions from an expert. This style is happy to be given instructions over the telephone, and can remember all the words to songs that they hear.

35 Learning Styles 2. Visual – picks up on information seen or read.
This style will use phrases such as “show me”, “let’s have a look at that” and will be best able to perform a new task after reading the instructions or watching someone else do it first. This style will work from lists and written directions and instructions.

36 Learning Styles Kinesthetic – learns best when given the opportunity to try things out. This style will use phrases such as “let me try”, “how do you feel?” and will be best able to perform a new task by going ahead and trying it out, learning as they go. This style likes to experiment, hands-on, and never looks at the instructions first.

37 Four Ways People Think 1. Deductive thinkers: prefer linear, analytical explanations (a-b-c). 2. Sensory thinkers: learn through sensory experience - a “hands-on” person. 3. Emotional thinkers: need to “feel good” about the work experience, job process, their skills, task & outcome. 4. Scientific thinkers: let them test it, try it, experiment with it – they have to explore the things scientifically.

38 Needs Assessment Identifying tasks, knowledge & skills (core competencies) for job requiring training. “How might you be involved with a needs assessment?”

39 Difference - Knowledge and Skill
What is an ampersand? The symbol for “and” This is “knowledge” Everyone draw an ampersand. This is “skill”

40 Difference - Knowledge and Skill
Knowledge acquired by: Observation & other sensory input Skill acquired by: Practice & experience

41 Objective Example The trainees will perform “XYZ” within a 3% tolerance for error in four minutes or less. Action? Content Reference? Performance Standard? Criteria Condition? perform “XYZ” four minutes or less 3% tolerance for error

42 After attending the training, the trainee(s) will be able to…
Objectives Always be able to describe the following when developing objectives: After attending the training, the trainee(s) will be able to…

43 Lecture (Telling) Know trainee(s) Prepare outline of major points
Encourage questions Offer visual stimuli

44 Lecture - “Telling” Limitations: Possible Benefits:
Retention & recall low Skill may be difficult to explain with words only Possible Benefits: Imparts basic information needed to perform Requires limited time

45 Demonstration (Showing)
Be knowledgeable All materials on hand Can everyone see and hear directions? Begin by explaining what you will demonstrate Prepare handout (if appropriate) Ask questions

46 Demonstration (Showing)
Limitations: Requires experienced person or poor standards set Possible Benefits: Adds tangibility to the learning experience Gives visual

47 Simulation / OTJ Demonstrate first as reference
Observe behavior, reward or redirect Correct errors constructively

48 OTJ Training Progression
Imitation – trainee observes & replicates (at same time with trainer) Manipulation – trainee performs task from written or verbal instruction (trainer watching) Precision – trainee executes task reliably without help (trainer not watching), meeting appropriate standard(s) Articulation – trainee demonstrates task to other trainee

49 Simulation / OTJ Limitations: Possible Benefits:
Takes considerable time. Requires trainer skills and observation skills More distractions when O-T-J Possible Benefits: Develops correct skill in trainee. Develops confidence in trainee. Trainer can verify trainee’s understanding.

50 WIS Activity

51 Drawing Pig WIS (Work Individually)
Draw the side profile of a pig, centered on the page. Make sure the pig’s head is facing left. The pig should be drawn large enough so that a piece of it is in every box EXCEPT the top right. You have 2 minutes to draw your pig. Show your picture to entire class.

52 Drawing Pig WIS (Work Individually)
Follow the WIS given. You have 4 minutes to draw your pig. Show picture to entire class.

53 Four Step Training Process
Prepare trainees Present info Practice Evaluate

54 Donald Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels to Evaluate / Measure Training
Level 1: evaluate reaction of participant. Level 2: evaluate what participant learned (can be observable) Level 1 & 2 happen shortly after training

55 Donald Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels to Evaluate / Measure Training
Level 3: evaluate how participant applied what he/she learned on the job. Level 4: evaluate how the application is achieving business results. Examples: (1) increase in productivity & quality / decrease in process time & scrap, (2) employee decision-making, (3) continuous improvement ideas Level 3 & 4 happen 1-3 months (or longer) after training

56 Follow- up Stage Checking on…
Reliability – performance consistent over period of time. Validity – performance consistence with learned materials / skills.

57 Congratulations You are now ready to take your training to new heights!

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