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T’es branché? 3 Fr3H – CULTURE Unité 2C.

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1 T’es branché? 3 Fr3H – CULTURE Unité 2C

2 Manières de table (= table manners) p.114
The word ‘manners’ comes from the French ‘manier = to handle’ If you are invited to a French house for dinner at 8.30pm (20h30) it is ok to arrive up until 9pm (21h00) It is customary to bring a small gift: usually flowers, wine or chocolates If you are inviting guests over and they bring gifts, flowers must be put in a vase, wine opened and offered to the guests, chocolates offered during coffee If you receive a book or any wrapped gift, it should be opened and put out for others to see You serve food always to the person furthest away In French tradition, the knife blade at a place setting should always be facing inwards. Non-flat silverware should be placed tines uppermost and the spoon face side up France produces tons of wine for both domestic and export consumption. Wine is part of daily meals and especially if you invite guests to dinner. Each wine is carefully chosen to accompany each course. There are more than 40 different types of wine glass according to each wine and its origin The host’s role is to put their guests at ease. French people love debating but there are some taboo subjects, money for example. Politics can ruin an evening and it is not often talked about with guests. Conversation on the latest movie you saw, the latest book you read, the music you’re listening to, the TV series you’re watching, sports you play or that you enjoy following are all appreciated topics for conversation. This conversation is open to differing points of view. Every conversation is a clash, an exchange of ideas. France invented controversy. Just remember that the art of conversation is a sport too! VOCAB: éloigné, la lame, bombé, mettre à l’aise, débattre, enflammer, soulever, un affrontement, un polémique

3 Un couvert français = a typical French table setting

4 Le vin français (= French wine) p.115
Wine has been produced in France since the times of Ancient Greece France is the largest wine producer in the world, producing 20% of wine on the planet! France is often called “le pays du vin” (= the country of wine) There are more than 3,400 different wines in France The French take wine VERY seriously Children as you ng as 3 or 4 will be inducted into the art of wine drinking, usually watered down for them

5 Les Vins français

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