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Tutorial for PMFList.exe

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1 Tutorial for PMFList.exe
2016 Sep

2 In the folder of PopModel 1.5 Program
*.FML is a File list file for PMFList.exe

3 1. Instruction of PMFList
1) Window Structure

4 2) FILE TREE Root Temporary folder that USER can use
Example file for “ PMList.FML “ Click then Functions in the file displayed Selected function

5 3) File/function management
○ Create New Folder - Select a Root and click right button - click Add New Item ○ Reload - load original file again. ○ Save ( as ) File - Select New Folder and click right - Clieck Save ( as ) ○ Delete File/function in FILE TREE - select a folder/function to delete - click delete ○ Remove File - select a folder to remove - click remove file

6 ○ Clear the content - Select a folder/function to clean - click New ○ Copy & Paste in FILE TREE - Ctrl+ C / Ctrl+ V - dragging

7 <Practice 1 : Managing file/function in FILE TREE>
Create New folder, copy the functions from PMFList and Save it as a name “Test” or “Your name” 2. Clear the New created folder and try ‘Reload’ 3. Select the Root, and try ‘New’, and then load your file 4. Freely try and practice - Delete, Copy, Paste, dragging, etc

8 4) Function management ○ Structure of Function - Name, Function, Parameter, Memo Form : - Parameter : P[index]= Number - Function : Y[index]= ……..

9 ○ Create new function - Select folder and click Add New Item ○ Clear the existing function - select a function and click New ○ Delete function - select a function and click Delete ○ Edit function - Select a function to edit - Edit function content - Press ‘Replace’ button, ◈ The selected function in FILE TREE never be changed without pressing “Replace” ○ Append as new function - Select a folder to append (if the folder is not selected, default folder is Temp) - Click Append

10 <Practice 1 : exercise function>
1) Make a New folder and name it Test2 and try functions below - Y= X - Y = X^2 - Y = (X-2)^2 +1 - Y= X^2 + -4*X +5 - Y= ABS(X) - Y=log(X) - Y= log( abs(x) ) - Y=LN(X) - Y= E^X <= same as EXP(X) - Y= EXP(x)

11 1_1) compare the result of the formula below
- Y= -2^2 - Y = -(2^2) - Y = -( X / P0 ) ^ P P0= P1=2 - Y= -( ( X/P0) ^ P1 ) P0= P1=2 - Y= ( -( X/P0) ) ^ P P0= P1=2 - Y = 1- EXP( -( X / P0 ) ^ P1) P0= P1=2 - Y= 1- EXP( -( ( X/P0) ^ P1) ) P0= P1=2

12 2) Let’s test and/or make complicated formula
eg. Y=SQRT( ROUND( SIN( X / 180 * PI ) + LOG( ABS( X ) ) ), 3) )

13 IF ( Condition, Formula for True, Formula for FALSE )
3) Let’s try condition functions IF ( Condition, Formula for True, Formula for FALSE ) Y= IF (X > 5 ,1 ,2 ) Y= IF( X >=0 AND X<=40, X, 0) Y=IF (X>3, LOG(X), IF(X <0 , ABS(X), X^2) IFS ( Condition 1, Formula 1 for True; ……………… ; Condition n, Formula n for True; Formula for FALSE ) Y=IFS (X <=0, ABS(X); X <5, EXP(X) ; X <10, LOG(X); 0

14 [Example] How to change model formula into a function for PopModel
<Parameter> Topt => P0 a => P1 b => P2 C => P3 Dev. Rate = < Conversion eg. 1> F1= P3 / ( 1 + EXP ( P1 + P2 * X ) ) F2 = P3 / ( 1 + EXP ( P1 + P2 * (2*P0 -X ) ) ) Y= IF( X > P0 , F2 , F1 ) <Conversion eg. 2> F1= IF( X > P0 , 2 * P0 - X , X ) Y = P3 / ( 1 + EXP ( P1 + P2 * F1 ) ) * X, Y Range 0 < X < 50 0 < Y < 1

15 4) Practice : Make a ‘My Model’ folder and make a model functions
Eg. Briere model (1) Briere-1 : Y = If( X >P1 AND X <P2 , F1, 0) F1 =P0*X*(X-P1)*SQRT(P2-X) (2) Briere-2 : F1 =P0*X*(X-P1)*(P2-X)^(1/P3) For draw curve P0 = P1 = 10.55 P2= 34 P3= 1.75 Briere, Jean-Francois, et al. "A novel rate model of temperature-dependent development for arthropods." Environmental Entomology 28.1 (1999):

16 <Other models> - Gaussian Model : Y=P0 * EXP(-1/2 * [((X-P1)/P2)^2 ) - Hilbert & Logan : F1=X-P1 Y=P0*((F1/(F1+P2))-EXP(-(P3-F1)/P4)) - Lactin-1 : Y=EXP(P0*X)-exp((P0*P1-(P1-X))/P2) Logistic equation : Y=P0/(1+EXP(P1-P2*X)) 3-parameter Weibull function (Wager et al., 1984) Y=1-EXP[-((X-P0)/P1)]^P2

17 2. ETC ○ Auto save - If the file in FILE TREE has a modified function, It will be saved automatically when PMFList program terminated. ○ Clip board - The File/function in FILE TREE can be copied onto clip board - Graph and the result can be copied onto clip board after when USER click inner area of that part. ○ Caution : - Those function is only in PMFList program

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