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Bridge Construction Mr. Banks.

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Presentation on theme: "Bridge Construction Mr. Banks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bridge Construction Mr. Banks

2 Bridge basics Load – The weight on the structure.
Beam – A rigid part of a bridge, often horizontal and what things move across. Pier – Vertical support structures. Load

3 Bridge basics Span – the distance between two bridge supports.
Force – A push or pull on an object. Compression – The force of pushing inward. Tension – The force of pulling outward.

4 Bridge basics Bridges are held up by utilizing the forces of tension and compression.

5 Bridge types Beam bridge – made of a horizontal beam supported at each end by piers. The further apart the piers, the weaker it becomes.

6 Bridge types Arch Bridge – The arch is incredibly strong. It squeezes itself together at the top and its base keeps the top from spreading apart.

7 Bridge types Suspension bridge – A beam is hung from massive steel cables that are draped over towers and anchored into the ground at both ends of the bridge. Most of the weight is held by the towers.

8 Bridge types Truss bridge – Made of many straight beams that spread the support for the load amongst themselves and together can support a large amount of weight.



11 Triangles vs squares

12 The Challenge To design a bridge that can span an 18” gap and support at least one science book. You will be limited in materials to 100 popsicle sticks and Elmer's school glue.




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