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Evaluation of Section Training

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1 Evaluation of Section Training
Planning Program Participation Continuous Improvement Facility

2 Evaluation of Section Training: Planning
Documentation from Section conducting training Evaluator notes Needs Assessment of overall section training Were the comments from the last year’s training used to plan? Specifically, were the answers to the open-ended questions used to plan? Was a needs assessment conducted? Did the needs assessment address the timeliness and relevancy of topics? Did the needs assessment define training goals and objectives? Did the needs assessment identify the target audience? Is it clear that the needs assessment results were incorporated into the planning? Was distance learning incorporated into the needs assessment? Were there creative ideas used within budget constraints ? Needs assessment or notes from training committee meeting addressing needs assessment Objectives for each session Were clear and concise objectives for each training session developed and provided along with the agenda? Did objectives consider the background and experience of the attendees? Will attendees be able to accomplish the objectives and goals defined at the start of the session? Are there any measurable outcomes? Were the takeaways for each session clear? Were there practicable tools or techniques identified? Objectives for each session included as part of the agenda. Include objectives in the Program Description provided on the NASAA website.

3 Evaluation of Section Training: Planning, continued
Documentation from Section conducting training Evaluator notes Description of each session Was there a clear and concise description for each training session developed and provided along with the agenda? If there were separate tracks, were the descriptions adequate to distinguish between the tracks? Description for each session included as part of the agenda. Include description for each session in the Program Description provided on the NASAA website. Pre-requisites Were pre-requisites for each track established? Were the pre-requisites communicated well in advance? Were required skills, qualifications and professional experience clearly communicated in the training notice? Pre-requisites for each track included as part of the agenda & the training notice provided on the NASAA website. Agenda Was the agenda developed and communicated well in advance? Were speakers, objectives and descriptions provided as part of the agenda? Recommendations

4 Evaluation of Section Training: Program
Documentation from Section conducting training Evaluator notes Materials (written or digital) Were STT recommendations from the training handbook followed regarding the presentation and the materials? Were the materials appropriate for the audience? Did the materials relate to the learning objectives? Did the materials support the course objectives? Were the materials easy to read and visually appealing? Were the materials available at the time of program? And in sufficient quantities? Were materials delivered in the desired format? Were materials thorough, clear, accurate, complete, and organized? Did the materials for each session include a place for “what I plan to use” when I get back to the office? Materials Agenda, objectives and descriptions Were learning objectives met? By session? Was the agenda and description accurate? Did each session provide the takeaways and practical ideas identified? Did the agenda, objectives and descriptions help the participants? The evaluator will need to talk to a sample of attendees to answer this question. Timing Was the pacing appropriate (just right)? Were there sufficient breaks? Was enough time allocated to each topic?

5 Evaluation of Section Training: Program, continued
Documentation from Section conducting training Evaluator notes Speakers Did the speakers demonstrate expertise? Point out any outstanding speakers Were the speakers qualified? Were the speakers prepared? Was their speaking style appropriate and easy to understand? Were the speakers open to questions? Were the speakers able to handle questions? Were the speakers able to handle disruptions? Did the speaker manage time well? Presentation time? Sufficient time allotted for feedback and discussion? Speaker Bios Distance learning addressed Did the moderator or section chair remind everyone periodically that this session will be available via distance learning? Were microphones used consistently? Were speakers aware of the distance learning aspect of the training? In other words, did they mention distance learning? Did the speakers seem aware of distance learning during their presentation by speaking up? Was NASAA’s website address, member’s only login information and location of the distance learning on NASAA’s website available for attendees as part of the registration material? Was NASAA’s website and the location of the distance learning on NASAA’s website emphasized during the training?

6 Evaluation of Section Training: Program, continued
Documentation from Section conducting training Evaluator notes Tone from the top Was there a clear NASAA leadership commitment to training excellence? Were NASAA leaders evident, engaged and participating? Adult learning guidelines incorporated Were there fun elements? Was there plenty of chance to participate? Were different methods of participation used? Small groups? Partners? Brainstorming? Facilitated discussions? Role-Plays? From discussions with participants, did they believe the topics presented were relevant and timely? Were new topics related to previous experiences? Were there opportunities to identify what will be relevant to their work? In other words, were participants encouraged to make notes of what they will use on the job from each session? Did the training make a case for the value of the learning in the attendees professional life? Did attendees appear to connect with the content so they could apply the learning to real-life professional situations? Did sessions depend too much on cognitive learning, using only lectures and/or slide presentations?

7 Evaluation of Section Training: Program, continued
Documentation from Section conducting training Evaluator notes Preparation for follow-up conference call Did the materials for each session include a place for “what I plan to use” when I get back to the office? Was there time after each session for participants to make notes of “what they pan to use” when they got back to the office? Was there at least one brief session or parts of a session when participants could talk to others about how they planned to use what they were learning? Can the participant identify a specific takeaway or idea that they were able to apply to their job? If so, does the participant feel that the takeaway or idea enhanced their skills and/or job performance? We will need to ask a sample of participants this question. Agenda for follow-up conference call and announcing the conference call Recommendations

8 Evaluation of Section Training: Participation
Documentation from Section conducting training Evaluator notes Registration information How many paid attendees versus vouchers? How did this breakdown compared to prior three years? How was attendance compared to the past three years? More or less attendees? Anyone turned away that wanted to register? This information may need to come from NASAA headquarters. How many attendees the last three years? Paid attendees? Those using vouchers? I hoped this was something we can get from NASAA headquarters. Participant engagement during sessions Did people attend the session? Participants? Training committee members? Were the participants engaged – taking notes, participating? Did the participants appear to connect with the presentation? Were the participants courteous? Networking events, including lunch and breaks Did people attend lunch and the networking session? Were they engaged? Were folks meeting new people? Was NASAA leadership meeting new people? Did they sit with different attendees at lunch? Did they take the time to visit with attendees during breaks? Did they include attendees in dinner groups? Did training committee members interact with attendees? Did they sit with different attendees at lunch? Did they take the time to visit with attendees during breaks? Did they include attendees in dinner groups?

9 Evaluation of Section Training: Participation, continued
Documentation from Section conducting training Evaluator notes Follow-up What percentage of attendees answered the survey? How does that compare to prior years? Were there substantive answers to the attendees open-ended questions? Did supervisors complete the survey regarding their discussion with participants about what attendees learned or took away from the training? Were there substantive answers to the open-ended questions included on the supervisor’s survey? Did participants call in and participate in the follow-up conference call? Recommendations

10 Evaluation of Section Training: Continuous Improvement
Documentation from Section conducting training Evaluator notes Survey of participants How and when were participants surveyed? At the time of training? Immediately following the training? Were follow-up calls made to attendees to get additional information about evaluation comments or course interests? Survey of participants. Notes of follow-up phone calls to participants. Survey of supervisors What was the participant’s reaction to the training as communicated to you, their supervisor? Did the participant feel that topics covered were directly relevant to their job as communicated to you, their supervisor? Did the course meet your expectations for the participant? For you? Were the course goals and objectives helpful in determining who should attend training? Appropriate track? Any recommendations for improvement to the training? What other training or courses would you like to see? Do you feel that NASAA’s training is a valuable resource? Supervisor’s survey

11 Evaluation of Section Training: Continuous Improvement, continued
Documentation from Section conducting training Evaluator notes Training committee meeting addressing “lessons learned” What information/feedback did the committee use to evaluate the training? Did the committee consider Information from participant evaluations? Feedback from supervisor survey? Feedback from presenters? How will “lessons learned” be used to make course revisions? Notes from training committee meeting Recommendations

12 Evaluation of Section Training: Facility
Documentation from Section conducting training Evaluator notes Meeting space Was the meeting space comfortable and appropriate for training? Was the room layout effective for presentations? Were attendees able to see the speakers easily? Any obstructions? Was the setup of the room facilitate interaction? Was it easy to ask questions and get to the microphone? Did each attendee have adequate table space to make notes? Were there chairs for those who prefer not to sit at a table? A/V Equipment Was the acoustic quality high? Could outside noise be heard in the meeting rooms during presentations? Could the speakers be heard clearly by the attendees? Was the quality of the audio-visual equipment and the resulting presentations high? Was a technician available to trouble shoot equipment when necessary? Was sound equipment easy to adjust for each speaker? Did the presentation translate to NASAA’s distance learning site effectively? Did the A/V equipment and operators capture the complete presentation?

13 Evaluation of Section Training: Facility, continued
1313 Evaluation of Section Training: Facility, continued Documentation from Section conducting training Evaluator notes Location Was the training location appropriate? Did the surrounding area provide appropriate amenities? Was the hotel located in an attractive neighborhood that was appropriate for business travelers? Were there plenty of reasonably priced restaurants that were easily accessible from the hotel? Was the area surrounding the hotel safe for attendees to walk outside in the evening? Did the hotel provide a shuttle that would take a group to a location that was not easily accessible from the hotel? Was travel to the training location from the airport easy? Were airport shuttles comfortable and easily accessed? Recommendations

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