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The objective of this class is:

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Presentation on theme: "The objective of this class is:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The five types of language narration, argument, persuasion, information, aesthetic

2 The objective of this class is:
To revise the language of information and it’s guidelines. To recognise what you are looking for and what the examiner is looking for. To be able to use the style for Question A, B and the compositions, if you wish. But first, a small warm-up:

3 Argument, Persuasion, Information,
Write down which of these pictures would use each type of language if discussed. Which would you rather see in the exam and why? 3. Sai – Pop Culture 1. World Affairs 2. A child begging 5. Presidential debate 4. My first novel Narration, Argument, Persuasion, Information, Aesthetic

4 Interesting information:
Write down which of these pictures would use each type of language if discussed. Which would you rather see in the exam? 3. Sai – Pop Culture 1. World Affairs 2. A child begging Interesting information: Persuasion aims for the heart, argument aims for the head. 5. Presidential debate 4. My first novel Narration, Argument, Persuasion, Information, Aesthetic

5 Going to stress this everyday
What this means in this section...

6 L.O.I. Checklist. Language – 30% :
Is the information presented in a clear and organised manner? Bullet points and numbering are allowed. One main idea per paragraph is recommended. Is the language formal, simple, relevant and clear? Does it get directly to the point without unnecessary words or waffle? Are you objective, impartial, not personally for or against what you are examining? You do not use emotive language if possible. Is there an emphasis on facts, statistics, numbers and details? It must be clearly understood and without ambiguity. Examples should be used to back up statements. Remember the journalist’s checklist: Who? What? Where? When? How? Why?

7 Purpose – 30%, Coherence – 30% :
Try now to answer a question B. on the sheet provided. Remember that a third of you marks simply go for engaging with THE SET TASK (i.e. Understanding what the question is asking) and a third goes for STAYING ON MESSAGE. Note: In the Language of Information questions, they will often link it to the comprehensions so that you can use the information that is there.

8 Homework Focus on your one essay this week to prepare for the exam. Use the notes to check or improve said essay. Next week, hand up the essay you plan to write for the leaving cert.

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