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Kristina Dourmashkin Eurostat Unit E4

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1 Kristina Dourmashkin Eurostat Unit E4
On going grants Kristina Dourmashkin Eurostat Unit E4 NUAC meeting 10/05/2017, Brussels

2 Grants 2015 Country Start date End date
MT Malta 18/11/2015 18/11/2017 DE Germany 01/04/2016 01/04/2018 HR Croatia PT Portugal 18/04/2016 18/04/2018 ES Spain 01/05/2016 01/05/2018 LT and EE Lithuania and Estonia 01/06/2016 01/06/2018 LT Lithuania BE Belgium 01/07/2016 01/07/2018 LV Latvia UK United Kingdom RO Romania 01/09/2016 01/09/2018 BG Bulgaria HU Hungary IT Italy SI Slovenia 01/10/2016 01/10/2018 The 15 grants will finish between the 18th of November 2017 and the 1st of October All countries have different time plans and tasks are planned for different times.

3 Grants 2015 - obligatory 1: Feedback on methodology
2: Assessment of harmonisation 3a: Data on sub-national level b: Data on sub-national level 2016 4: Provide metadata The grants all have four obligatory tasks: 1-4.

4 Grants 2015 - obligatory 1: Feedback on methodology
Identification of indicators with national definitions different from the manual. Report is not needed, just a feedback (information in an is enough). If many countries have deviating definitions of a given variable  then Eurostat will be timely warned that further actions might be needed such as modifications of the definitions included in the glossary. All feedback so far has been included in the Manual I will contact directly when no answer is received Task 1 and 2 are logically linked but not identical. The logic of the successful project is the following: Identification of the level of methodological harmonisation -> Improvement actions and report on the progress -> Data compilation and provision -> Final report. Task 1: In sum it requires identification of the variables and indicators with national definitions different than the definitions included in the glossary. Experts in methodology from the relevant production units should be involved. Report is not needed, just a feedback (information in an is enough). If many countries have deviating definitions of a given variable  then Eurostat will be timely warned that further actions might be needed such as modifications of the definitions included in the glossary. Task 2 is more concrete. Where possible the national methodologies should be improved in order to fit to the definitions given in the Glossary.  The improvement includes data modelling, estimations, change of the data source used so far. The variables where a harmonisation of the definitions is not feasible have to be reported. The glossary gives recommendations  on the data source since the same data sources are used for production of national and regional data. The aim is to create the necessary conditions for full consistency between the data collected in the frame of this project and the data available at the upper NUTS levels and country level. " - The answers we got have been used for improving the Manual. -

5 Grants 2015 - obligatory 2: Assessment of harmonisation
The variables where a harmonisation of the definitions is not feasible have to be reported. The glossary gives recommendations  on the data source since the same data sources are used for production of national and regional data. The aim is to create the necessary conditions for full consistency between the data collected in the frame of this project and the data available at the upper NUTS levels and country level.

6 Grants 2015 - obligatory 3a: Data on sub-national level 2015
BE MT LV RO UK ES PT DE BG EE + LT HR HU FI SI IT The countries in green are where I have received data with the reference year 2015.

7 Grants 2015 - obligatory 4: Provide metadata
BE MT LV RO UK ES PT DE BG EE + LT HR HU FI SI IT Countries in green have recent metadata.

8 Result: Minor technical remarks:
The National metadata Files Were reviewed inside Eurostat Result: Minor technical remarks: Links within the metadata files should be checked (to be working) before sending them: any national links + Eurostat ones (i.e., methodology manual, EU Regulations, published material, dbase lists of variables, etc., are all showing in the main UA metafile – The National metadata files vary in content and detail.

9 Grants recommended 5: Perception survey on quality of life in cities GERMANY, LATVIA 6: LAU list including information on territorial typologies ROMANIA, FINLAND, ESTONIA, LITHUANIA, HUNGARY, ITALY, LATVIA 7: Raise awareness and increase knowledge about sub-national statistics GERMANY, ROMANIA, BULGARIA, UK, SLOVENIA, ESTONIA, LITHUANIA, HUNGARY, ITALY, LATVIA Perception survey of Germany: data will be published on Eurostat tables. LAU lists have all been received WG on Regional Statistics October 2014

10 Availability ??

11 This graph is a mix of countries with grants and countries without.
Bulgaria has data for every single collected variable except SA1050V Average price for buying a house .

12 Thank you for your attention!
Contact: E4

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