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Proposed Class Attendance and University Approved Absence Policy

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1 Proposed Class Attendance and University Approved Absence Policy
Friday, February 9, 2018

2 Background on policy revision development
Current policy Original from 1957 Reviewed by Faculty Council in 1972 Post religious observance policy (2010) Vague and incomplete for current law, policy, resources, operation guidelines, educational technology capability and student population changes

3 Policy Revision Process
Dr. Deborah Clarke from the Provost’s Office and Joy Renner, faculty Consultations with – Abigail Panter, ODOS, Associate Deans in the College of A&S; Provost’s Office, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Office, EPC, ARS, EOC Office, faculty, students, The Graduate School, ASPSA, professional school representatives, SHS, CAPS, CFE, Testing Center, PRC, Office of University of Counsel

4 All Carolina students should have equitable access to learning and assessment opportunities.
When considering University Approved Absences, we should balance the rights of students and instructors. Students have the right to be evaluated fairly, and faculty have the right to maintain reasonable expectations related to making accommodations for University Approved Absences. The policy on University Approved Absences should emphasize clarity, equity and accountability

5 What did not change Students responsible for all work in a course
Faculty maintain decision-making in the classroom may allow excused absences above what is in the policy Course/classroom policies are communicated through the course syllabus on first day of class Final exam excuse policy is the same; not included

6 What will change Clear delineation of University approved absences (UAA) UAA vs Excused Absence Central office for handling UAA Clear references, resources, and policies for legal and protected rights in one place Clear process for how a UAA is approved and communicated Appeals process

7 Excused absences vs University Approved Absences
Three categories where the student has the right to be absent from a class: Authorized University activities; Disability/religious observance*/pregnancy, as required by law and approved by Accessibility Resources and Service and/or the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office (EOC) Significant health condition and/or personal/family emergency as approved by the Office of the Dean of Students, Gender Violence Service Coordinators and/or the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office

8 Authorized University Activities
Official representatives of the University For example: Student government congresses Academic conferences Athletic competitions Music/Arts competitions

9 Authorized University Activities Process
Request for approval of an absence due to participation in a University-sanctioned activity by the program sponsor or other responsible University official to the University Approved Absence Office (UAAO) which will verify the validity of the request. When possible at least two weeks in advance of the date(s), or as soon as possible if the date(s) occurs within the first two weeks of the semester, or within the first two days of a summer session. The (UAAO) communicates the Approved Absence to the instructor prior to the date(s) of the scheduled absence(s). The request may be for a single activity or series of activities, but it must include the student name and date of the event, the date and time when the student is expected to be absent, and the date and time that the student is expected to return to class.

10 Accommodations for disability/religious observance/pregnancy, as required by law:
Accessibility Resources and Services verifies University Approved Absences for students who have been identified and provided services by their office. ARS contacts those students’ instructors directly.

11 Accommodations for disability/ religious observance/pregnancy, as required by law:
Religious Observance: Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute (3a),* students are authorized at least two University Approved Absence(s) per academic year for religious observance/practices required by their faith. Students who wish to request an absence for religious observance should review the University’s Policy on Religious Accommodation and follow the procedure set out in that Policy for requesting such absences. After an absence is approved under that Policy, the UAAO communicates the absence to the instructor(s) prior to the date(s) of the scheduled absence(s).

12 Accommodations for disability/ religious observance/pregnancy, as required by law:
Students are responsible for contacting the Religious Accommodations Advisory Committee to request an absence for religious observance at least two weeks in advance of the date(s), or as soon as possible if the date(s) occurs within the first two weeks of the semester. This policy applies to Fall, Spring and Summer terms.

13 Accommodations for disability/ religious observance/pregnancy, as required by law:
Students who wish to request an absence for pregnancy and related medical conditions should review the University’s Policy on Pregnant and Parenting Students (link to be inserted) and should contact the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office for approval. After an absence is approved under that Policy, the UAAO will communicate with the course instructor(s) prior to the date(s) of the scheduled absence(s).

14 Significant health condition and/or personal/ family emergencies as approved by the Office of the Dean of Students, Gender Violence Service Coordinators and/or the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office When the Office of the Dean of Students, Gender Violence Service Coordinators and/or the EOC has approved the information, they request the UAAO issue a University Approved Absence notification to instructor(s). The University Approved Absence Office will inform the course instructor in advance if the reason for the University Approved Absence is planned, or as soon as possible if the reason for the absence was not foreseen.

15 Principles of fairness, non-discrimination, equity, privacy, compassion, understanding, tolerance
Instructors will not receive further explanation or clarification of University Approved Absences beyond notification from the University Approved Absence Office with links to the policy and links to resources and examples of best practices. Resource example - The Testing Center

16 Make-up Coursework and Assessments
All students with University Approved Absences will be treated fairly and equitably, regardless of the reason for the absence. Instructors will provide reasonable alternatives that permit course objectives and learning outcomes to be met For example: make-up exam, alternative assessment, an additional paper or project of equivalent intellectual effort, an electronically-mediated participation opportunity, or due date extension

17 Make-up Coursework and Assessments
Course policies should avoid inequities, including discrepancies in preparation time for in-class versus make-up exams, missed opportunities to take and learn from an assessment, and policies that penalize students who must use their dropped grade option for a University Approved Absence.

18 Communication and timing
Timing in a semester… instructor contacts the student with a preliminary alternative plan within three business days of receiving notification of a University Approved Absence, or sooner if the absence takes place during a summer term. student must respond to the instructor within two business days of receiving the alternative plan and discuss details with the instructor. if a student feels a reasonable alternative was not provided, they may submit an appeal within three business days (after receiving the final plan) to the instructor’s Chair or the Chair’s designee.

19 Appeals At any time, a student may file a report alleging that the University has failed to provide reasonable accommodations for the student’s religious beliefs, disability, or pregnancy or related medical condition pursuant to the University’s Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct (“PPDHRM”). The student may file a report under the PPDHRM following an unsatisfactory appeal determination by the instructor’s Chair or the Chair’s designee. Alternatively, the student may bypass the University Approved Absence Office appeals process altogether and proceed directly to filing a report under the PPDHRM. If a student first files a report under the PPDHRM, the University Approved Absence Office’s appeals process will be stayed until a determination has been made under the PPDHRM.

20 Advantages of a UUAO Data collection for analysis of trends that may affect planning and resources Faculty having one notice source rather than multiple source notifications and being unsure of the validity of the absence Oversight of approvals Student privacy related to protected and/or sensitive information Syllabus link for students to UAA policy

21 If approved, the work continues….
Processes put in place for the UAAO Technology development for efficiency and data storage Resources for faculty Communication plan for faculty and students and offices involved in authorized university absences

22 Questions?

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