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IOTA Meeting, Stillwater, Oklahoma

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1 IOTA Meeting, Stillwater, Oklahoma
Four Bright Asteroidal Occultations, end of August and early September 2016 David Dunham IOTA Meeting, Stillwater, Oklahoma 2016 July 30 With thanks to Richard Wilds and Tony George for their article about the first two of these in the Sept. issue of Sky and Telescope

2 2016 August 1 Rank 100 Occ’n of 13.6-mag. Star in Pisces
This is not one of the four, it’s sooner & will occur here in Stillwater, OK; I want to observe it with Art

3 2016 August 15 Rank 73 Occ’n of 10.8-mag. Star in Sagittarius
This is not one of the four, it’s sooner & possibly will occur here in Stillwater, OK. A past occultation showed that Niobe may have a large satellite, so observers across most of the USA should try it.

4 2016 August 15 Rank 73 Occ’n of 10.8-mag. Star in Sagittarius
This is also not one of the four, it’s sooner & possibly will occur here in Stillwater, OK. A past occultation showed that Niobe may have a large satellite, so observers across most of the USA should try it.

5 2016 August 26/27 Rank 100 Occ’n of 7.5-mag. K0 SAO 126327
A good event for adding more stations using paver mounts We plan to visit Joan’s brother in Columbia, MO We’ll drive there from MD

6 2016 September 3 Rank 99 Occ’n of 7.6-mag. G0 SAO 110154
Driving farther west, we may visit Joan’s sister near Boulder, CO. Since this is Labor Day weekend, we didn’t want to depend on air travel to chase clear skies.

7 2016 September 7/8 Rank 90 Occ’n of 6.9-mag. K0 ZC 2538 = SAO 185591
This is the last event we’ll try during our long road trip. Like the Aug. 27th event, this is good for more stations using paver mounts. M (metallic) class asteroid that may have an unusual shape.

8 2016 September 12 Rank 92 Occ’n of 6.9-mag. sp. K0 ZC 1200 = SAO 79847

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