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WWII Journal #1 Argue whether the world could have stopped Hitler after 1933 & before World War II started. What would have had to happen? When did it.

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Presentation on theme: "WWII Journal #1 Argue whether the world could have stopped Hitler after 1933 & before World War II started. What would have had to happen? When did it."— Presentation transcript:

1 WWII Journal #1 Argue whether the world could have stopped Hitler after 1933 & before World War II started. What would have had to happen? When did it have to occur? What flaw do YOU see in Hitler’s military strategy at the start of World War II?

2 Battle of Britain England fights alone!

3 Vichy France France surrenders June 1940 France is divided
Germans control north Puppet government formed in southern France Henri Petain

4 Rescue at Dunkirk June 1940: England rescues 330, soldiers from coast of France Send 850 ships to rescue Britain is now alone in the war!

5 Winston Churchill Leader of Great Britain May 1940 – July 1945
Brilliant in rallying Britain to stand up to Germany “We shall never surrender” PRIMARY SOURCE: Speech from May 1940

6 Battle of Britain Critical battle in WW II
July 1940-May 1941 Considered 1st turning point of WWII Forces Hitler to turn east toward Russia Primarily an air battle: Strength of air force & technology determined victor

7 Royal Air force (RAF) vs. Luftwaffe
England 2,900 planes Germany 4,500

8 LONDON after an air attack by the GERMANS
Civilians became targets in World War II


10 Technology saves Britain
Britain had developed Radar technology helped track incoming airplanes Enigma: a German decoding machine English smuggled machine to England could read German secret military messages Battle of Britain proved Hitler could be stopped!


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