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Partnership to Assist with Cessation of Tobacco

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Presentation on theme: "Partnership to Assist with Cessation of Tobacco"— Presentation transcript:

1 Partnership to Assist with Cessation of Tobacco
NEW ME – SMOKE FREE! PACT Partnership to Assist with Cessation of Tobacco

2 Outline Session #7 Welcome and introductions
Group expectations and behaviour Sharing quit experiences Slips and Relapse Weight management Stress management Evaluation On-going support services Review (if time) PACT - MHG

3 Group Expectations Review…
Review flipchart or insert slide from week 1 for review Ask for a volunteer to read out loud PACT - MHG

4 Sharing quit experiences
Has anyone quit during this program? recently? for 6 months or more? What helped the most? If someone in the group has quit ask if they are willing to share a couple of tips that they found most helpful PACT - MHG

5 Slips A slip is NOT a failure! Remember –
accept it and return to your plan learn from it – make plan for next craving or temptation Use the 4Ds Remember – an urge or craving passes quickly PACT - MHG

6 Relapse Using tobacco again on regular basis
A learning opportunity for the future Remember what worked this time and what did not Apply this information to next quit attempt Be positive! Be PROUD of the time you were tobacco free PACT - MHG

7 Tips to avoid slips and relapse
Never smoke a cigarette you did not buy Never buy tobacco in the place you about to slip If you buy a pack, smoke one only, throw rest away PACT - MHG

8 Keep a quit diary Record your progress on a daily basis
Record cravings, coping skills, successes Written record is encouraging Watch successes ↑ and slips ↓ PACT - MHG

9 Weight gain Concern for many – BUT –
Average gain is 5-10 pounds Takes >100lbs increase to cause similar damage to body from smoking PACT - MHG

10 Tips for weight management
Keep healthy snacks handy Drink lots of water – sip slowly Eat healthy meals (fast food as a treat) Eat slowly and mindfully Enjoy an occasional treat Use the 4Ds Manage stress in healthy ways PACT - MHG

11 Tips for weight management
Nutritious breakfast within 1 hr of waking Eat frequent, small, well-balanced meals and snacks Plan meals and shop from a list Eat at table and move away from table when meal is finished Exercise daily PACT - MHG

12 Wiggle Break!! PACT - MHG

13 Tips for stress management
Make time for yourself Read, hot bath, craft/hobby, exercise, museum, friends/family Random act of kindness Positive self-talk Laugh every day Deep breath Exercise every day ↓ stress, bp, weight ↑energy, well-being, positive attitude PACT - MHG

14 Have you quit or reduced tobacco since the classes started?

15 Was this program helpful?
Yes No Somewhat Record the gist of the discussion – discussion easier for this patient population than paper evaluation PACT - MHG

16 What was most helpful? Why tobacco is harmful
Tobacco impact on MH patients Benefits of reducing or quitting Tips for withdrawal or cravings Medications Nutrition Stress management/relaxation PACT - MHG

17 Did you learn some new skills?

18 Will you try to use some of the new skills?
Yes No Not sure PACT - MHG

19 Will you encourage others to take this class next time?

20 Will you work at reducing or quitting?
Yes No Not sure PACT - MHG

21 What could make this class better for next time?
Record suggestions and forward to Janice Burgess, PACT/TAR Co-ordinator PACT - MHG

22 On-going support available
Part of the cessation program Phone, , in-person Support, encouragement, problem-solving More frequently at first, increased interval as you progress – plus whenever needed PACT - MHG

23 Remember the 4 Ds Drink plenty of water Delay for 5-7 minutes
Do something else Deep breathing PACT - MHG

24 Review Tobacco use is part addiction---part habit
Risk to overall health, quality of life, early death – very high Expensive – would you rather spend money on rent, healthy food, personal items? Withdrawal and cravings can be managed – make a plan using your new skills PACT - MHG

25 Review Medication can help IF you have decided to reduce or quit
Assistance is available – ask your pharmacist or doctor ALWAYS tell your doctor if you have reduced or quit – some medication doses might need to be adjusted PACT - MHG

26 Challenge Continue – or start – to reduce or quit Be aware of
healthy food choices healthy serving sizes healthy stress reduction Walk (or other exercise) for 30 minutes every day Set small goals – CELEBRATE every success! PACT - MHG

27 Partnership to Assist with Cessation of Tobacco
NEW ME – SMOKE FREE! PACT Partnership to Assist with Cessation of Tobacco

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