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Student notebook expectations & rubric

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1 Student notebook expectations & rubric
Cedergren English 9/10 CP

2 What the research says: The Right Side
Lecture Cornell Notes/notes Vocab Definitions and or facts Textbook notes Discussion Annotated reading passages Film/video notes Q & A Graphic Organizer Do Nows The right side of the notebook is for the teacher and teacher directed learning. Students are provided notes or other teacher directed activities from the objective being taught. Research suggests that the right side of the interactive notebook uses both the right and left side brain hemispheres to help students remember important concepts.

3 What the research says: The Left Side
The left side of the notebook is student directed, subjective information. Students can express their interpretations and reactions to content taught. Research suggests that left side activities help students process the information learned from the right side. Brainstorming Concept maps, pictures, diagrams Flow charts, homework Worksheets/handouts/ activities Thinking maps, drawings Poems, songs, reflections

4 Student notebook Rubric (4 point scale)
4: All assignments/activities are complete, well-organized and display acceptable attention to detail. Student work displays comprehension of given standards per assignment/activities assigned during the timeframe of the notebook check. 3: Most assignments/activities are complete, well-organized and display acceptable attention to detail. Student work displays comprehension of given standards per assignment/activities assigned during the timeframe of the notebook check. 2: Some assignments/activities are complete, well-organized and display acceptable attention to detail. Student work displays comprehension of given standards per assignment/activities assigned during the timeframe of the notebook check. 1: Few assignments/activities are complete, well-organized and display acceptable attention to detail. Student work displays comprehension of given standards per assignment/activities assigned during the timeframe of the notebook check.

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