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Sci 113: Watersheds And How They Work

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2 Sci 113: Watersheds And How They Work

3 Evaporation and transpiration
Flowing artesian well Precipitation Unconfined Aquifer Recharge Area Evaporation and transpiration Well requiring a pump Evaporation Confined Recharge Area Runoff Aquifer Stream Infiltration Water table Lake Infiltration Unconfined aquifer Confined aquifer Less permeable material such as clay Confining permeable rock layer

4 Forested Hillside Oxygen released by vegetation Diverse ecological
habitat Evapotranspiration Trees reduce soil erosion from heavy rain and wind Agricultural land Steady river flow Leaf litter improves soil fertility Tree roots stabilize soil and aid water flow Vegetation releases water slowly and reduces flooding Forested Hillside

5 Evapotranspiration decreases
Tree plantation Evapotranspiration decreases Roads destabilize hillsides Ranching accelerates soil erosion by water and wind Winds remove fragile topsoil Agriculture land is flooded and silted up Gullies and landslides Heavy rain leaches nutrients from soil and erodes topsoil Rapid runoff causes flooding Silt from erosion blocks rivers and reservoirs and causes flooding downstream After Deforestation

6 NONPOINT SOURCES Urban streets Suburban development Wastewater treatment plant Rural homes Cropland Factory Animal feedlot POINT SOURCES



9 What’s Our Plan? Analyze the physical, chemical and biological attributes of Piper’s Creek Analyze three separate sites Identify impacts both actual and possible Get an understanding of the ecological importance of a watershed and subsequent riparian zone Assess the biodiversity of Piper’s Creek in relation to habitat

10 How will we do it? Habitat survey Big Leaf Maple Habitat
Mixed Deciduous Habitat Conifer Habitat Red Alder Habitat

11 How will we do it? Chemical-physical survey Water Quality Kit
Three different sites

12 How will we do it? Stream Macroinvertebrates Identification
Sensitivity Calculate Qulaity Index Indicate presence with an "x" Sensitive Somewhat sensitive Tolerant caddisfly larva beetle larva aquatic worms hellgrammite clams pouch (& other) snails mayfly nymph crane fly larva leeches gilled snails crayfish midge larva

13 Site 3 Site 2 Site 1

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