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The 7th Trumpet, The Woman, and the Dragon

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1 The 7th Trumpet, The Woman, and the Dragon
Revelation 11:15-12:12

2 The 7th Trumpet is Sounded
We are given a “Preview” of events after the 2nd Coming of Christ The “Dead” are judged at the “Great White Throne” O.T. Saints and Tribulation Saints will be rewarded in the “1st Resurrection”

3 The Temple in Heaven The Tabernacle Moses built was a “Shadow” of what is in Heaven This “Heavenly” Temple is a symbol of God’s covenant with Israel The lightning, thunder, earthquake and hailstorm speak of coming judgment

4 The 4 Main Characters of Revelation 12
“The Woman” – The Nation of Israel “The Red Dragon” – Satan “The Child” – The Lord Jesus “Michael” – The Archangel who protects Israel

5 Satan and his angels are cast out
Satan accuses us before God Jesus is our defender Satan’s expulsion from heaven brings rejoicing and a warning This is the beginning of the 3rd and final woe

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