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AP Day 26.

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1 AP Day 26

2 Starter

3 Reading Quiz: Religion

4 THE AMISH Should I stay or should I go?
On average 90% of Amish Youth will opt for Baptism. Why? Not educated or equipped for successful life outside the church Intense familial and community pressure Provides a sense of safety and belonging Sheltered, communal lifestyle – hard to adapt to culture based on individuality

5 Distribution

6 Things not spoken about
They DO pay taxes, they do not pay into or collect Social Security Many DO NOT work in agriculture – many work in manufacturing or carpentry High rates of birth defects – marriage outside the immediate community is often encouraged, but not always a possibility

Types of Religion ETHNIC RELIGION UNIVERSALIZING RELIGION Generally found near its hearth Generally spread only by relocation diffusion Can by tied to ethnicity, religion doesn’t seek to expand to outsiders, and can be hard to convert into. Spread through relocation and expansion diffusion Everyone should worship like us!

8 Major Religions to know!
Minor Christianity Islam Buddhism Judaism Hinduism Sikhism Baha’i Folk Religions


10 Judaism - Overview Study the Torah Related to Jewish ethnic group
(Christian Old Testament) Related to Jewish ethnic group Very difficult to convert to Where are most Jews in the world located?



13 Christianity - Overview
Only Catholics until 1600’s and then: REFORMATION! Christianity fractures into Catholicism and not- Catholicism (What are they called?) PROTESTANTS! UNIVERSALIZING OR ETHNIC?

14 Simplified Christian Family Tree
Christianity Catholic Roman Catholic Eastern Orthodox Protestant Anglican (Church of England) Lutheran Methodist Baptists Pentecostal LDS (Mormons)




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