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: pQCD analysis in pursuit of determing ϒ

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Presentation on theme: ": pQCD analysis in pursuit of determing ϒ"— Presentation transcript:

1 : pQCD analysis in pursuit of determing ϒ
Run-Hui Li 2018/11/19

2 Content Motivation & Background Calculation in pQCD
•background &Frame of pQCD •Contributions to these channels Summary 2018/11/19

3 Motivation & background

4 About γ In SM, the explanation for the CPVCKM
Triangle of CKM in SM (Unitarity) Important task in Flavor Physics experiments: Extracting the CKM elements & test the unitarity 2018/11/19

5 γ: the worst precision β : measured in B-> J/ψ KS
γ : B±-> DK± 2018/11/19

6 One method to extract γ , : CP even(odd) state definde: 2018/11/19

7 One method to extract γ Two physical observables:
World average [CKMfitter group]: Observables not sensitive to γ 2018/11/19

8 Dynamics for B->DK in FA
Small 2018/11/19

9 What about the ? ---- some background
: Scalar meson : Tensor meson in quark model 2018/11/19

10 What about the ? ---- some background
Two scenarios of scalar mesons Mesons Scenario I Scenario II Around 1 GeV: f0(600), f0(980), K0*(800), a0(980) Lowest lying states 4 quark bound states Around 1.5 GeV: f0(1370), f0(1500)/f0(1700), K0*(1430), a0(1450) Excited states 2018/11/19

11 What about the ? For scalar meson: For Tensor meson: is small
SU(3) breaking effect, tiny Keenly to be large, physical observables more sensitive to γ W. Wang,PRD85,051301 2018/11/19

12 What about the ? Already been analyzed in FA.
We will study it in pQCD. The difference between FA and pQCD. • FA: Only factorizable emission diagrams; Amplitude is real number, only give information to • pQCD: rich dynamics – factorizable, nonfactorizable, emission, annihilation; Amplitude with phases, can calculate both and W. Wang,PRD85,051301 2018/11/19

13 Calculation in pQCD 2018/11/19

14 Effective Hamiltonian in B physics
In B meson decays, W, Z, top, … are very heavy, and never appear in the external lines. Integrate them out to get effective operators. Effective operator 2018/11/19

15 Charged Current Wilson coefficient
G. Buchalla, A.J. Buras, M. E. Lautenbacher, Rev. Mod. Phys. 68,1125. 2018/11/19

16 In this calculation, only tree operators contribute.
Charged Current Tree operators Flavor Changed Neutral Current In this calculation, only tree operators contribute. 2018/11/19

17 Deal with Factorization Else LQCD QCDF SCET PQCD LFQM LCSR Collinear
kT Factorization ●●● ●●● 2018/11/19

18 KT Factorization x  0, kT is important. x: momentum fraction
Sudakov factor: - Eliminate end point divergence - Suppress end point region Overlap of soft and collinear contributions Two body nonleptonic B decay. Behavior of Sudakov factor from kT resummation. Resummation to Sudakov 2018/11/19

19 Two body nonleptonic B decay in pQCD
Wave functions: universal inputs Sudakov factors: process independent functions Hard kernel: specific to decays 2018/11/19

20 in pQCD In pQCD FA contributions Expected enhancement
Annihilation to be explored In pQCD 2018/11/19

21 Our process & Preliminary estimation
The analytic expressions are obtained. The expressions for the annihilation diagrams need check. For a preliminary estimation, the branching ratios of can reach the order of , The similarity channels, whose time dependent observables can also be use to determine γ, will also be investigated: 2018/11/19

22 Summary decays are expected to have a better performance than decays in the determination of CKM angle ϒ. We investigate these decays in pQCD approach, which can offer the information of and The BRs of these channels are estimated, which can reach , which is easy for the observation in experiments. We will also calculate the similar channel, which can offer information for the determination of γ as well. 2018/11/19

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