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Presentation on theme: "IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATIONAL INDICATORS By Rajvir Dy. Manager (MIS) Dept"— Presentation transcript:

IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATIONAL INDICATORS By Rajvir Dy. Manager (MIS) Dept. of School Education - Punjab

2 Importance of Educational Indicators
Educational indicators are the mirror of educational development in a nation. These indicators are common worldwide such as, Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER), Net Enrolment Ratio (NER), Dropout Rates, Gender Parity Index (GPI), Gender Gap, Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR), Literacy Rate.

3 Parameters @ School Level
Enrollment (No. of Students) Promotion Rate Retention Rate Transition Rate Dropout Rate Decline of Enrollment of particular section Girls Share in enrollment Performance of Students Performance of Teachers Pupil Teacher Ratio Student Classroom Ratio

4 Parameters @ Block/District
Enrollment (No. of Students) Promotion Rate Retention Rate Transition Rate Dropout Rate Decline of Enrollment of particular section Girls Share in enrollment Performance of Students Performance of Teachers Pupil Teacher Ratio Student Classroom Ratio Infrastructure shortfall Single teacher schools Schools without subject teachers GER / NER New Admissions

5 Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER)
It shows the coverage of population in a particular school going age group. It shows level wise coverage, we can also measure it in terms of SC, ST and Minorities population.

6 Importance of Education Indicators
Dropout Rate : The lower dropout and higher retention are the good sign for a nation. Gender Parity Index (GPI) : It shows gaps between boys and girls coverage.

7 Formulas for Calculation of Educational Indicators
 GER of classes IX-X   Enrolment in classes I-V in a year = X 100 Population of years in the same year NER of classes IX-X Enrolment in classes I-V (6-10 Years) in a year = X Population of 6-10 years in the same year

8 Gender Parity Index (GPI)
Ratio of the female to male values of a given indicator. A GPI of 1 indicates parity between both sexes. GPI at Secondary Level GER of Girls (Primary) in a year = GER of boys (Primary) in the same year Gender Gap at Secondary Level Enroll of boys in classes I-V – Enroll of girls in classes I-V in a year = X 100 Total Enroll. in classes I-V (Boys + Girls) in the same year

9 Pupil-Teacher Ratio (PTR)
Average number of students per teacher at a specific level of education in a given year.  PTR No. of students in classes I-V in a year = No. of teachers in classes I-V in the same year

10 Student Class room Ratio(SCR)
Average number of students per class at a specific level of education in a given year. SCR No. of students in classes I-V in a year = No. of Class rooms used for classes I-V in the same year

11 Transition rate from class V to VI
Promotion Rate for Class V Enroll. in Class V – repeaters in class V in current year = X 100 Enrolment in Class IV in the previous year Transition rate from class V to VI Enroll. in class VI – repeaters in class VI in a year = X 100 Enrolment in class V in the previous year

12 Repetition Rate for Class V
Repeaters in class V in a year = X100 Enrolment in class V in the previous year

13 Dropout Rate for Secondary
Annual Average Dropout Dropout Rate for Secondary = 100 – (Promotion rate + Repetition Rate) 

14 Exercise for Dropout Rate ?
2017 Class 2 : 93 Students 2017 Class -1 2018 Class -2 100 Students 95 Students 80 Students Promoted 10 Students repeated 5 Students newly admitted

15 Answer Promotion Rate : 80.00 Repitition Rate : 10.75 Dropout Rate :
9.25 %


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