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Clarification meeting for tenderers

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1 Clarification meeting for tenderers
Projet d‘Appui au Développement local dans le Nord du Liban (ADELNORD) Clarification meeting for tenderers

2 Works Project – Agricultural Infrastructures in the High Hermel Region
CALL FOR PROPOSALS Works Project – Agricultural Infrastructures in the High Hermel Region – North Lebanon (Lot 3)

3 Outline of presentation
Tendering process / Content of Proposal Evaluation procedure Award procedure

4 Tendering process - Planning
DATE TIME Local Advertisement (Lebanese newspapers) xx.xx.2012 Procurement notice ( Clarification meeting 14.30H Site visit N/A (but recommended on individual initiative) Deadline for request for any additional information from the Contracting Authority 21 days before deadline for tenders ( ) 12.00H Last date on which additional information are issued by the Contracting Authority ( 11 days before deadline for tenders ( ) - Deadline for submission of tenders Tender opening session Notification of award to the successful tenderer Signature of the contract

5 Importance of ITT Instructions to Tenderers (ITT) contain all important information about how to set up the tender documents (to what concerns their form and their content) The ITT has to be carefully read and applied! Uncomplete tenders will have to be rejected.

6 Importance of ITT The complete tender must be submitted in one original, clearly marked "original" and 3 copies, also clearly marked "copy". In the event of any discrepancy between them the original will prevail. The technical and financial offers must be placed together in a sealed envelope. These envelopes (1 original + 3 copies) should then be placed in another sealed package.

7 Importance of ITT

8 What docs to be provided in the tender ?
Tender form and appendix to the tender (duly signed) (Volume 1, Section2) Tender guarantee (Volume 1, Section 3) Copy of recent (<1 year old) documents showing: (Volume 1, Section 4) legal status and certificate of place of registration (Volume 1, Section 4.1), organisation chart (Volume 1, Section 4.2), power of attorney for representative (Volume 1, Section 4.3), Copies of previous 3 years certified statements of account (Volume 1, Section 4.4), Evidence (certificate) on credit facilities, company’s financial situation, cashflow (Volume 1, Section 4.4), Financial situation projected forward for the next two years (Volume 1, Section 4.4), Financial identification form, Legal entity file (see Volume 1, Section 4.5)

9 What docs to be provided in the tender ?
Personnel, CVs, equipment (Volume 1, Section and 4.6.2), Workplan (see Volume 1, Section 4.6.3), Experience as contractor (Volume 1, Section 4.6.4), Information about joint venture/consortium partners, copy of agreement (Volume 1, Section 4.6.5), Details of litigation history (see Volume 1, Section 4.6.6), Financial offer (see Volume 4.3) Undertaking certifying compliance with rule of origin

10 Tender form and appendix (Volume 1, Section2)
To be established on letter head of the tenderer One tender form to be filled by each consortium member: …..

11 Appendix to tender form (Volume 1, Section2)

12 Other docs according to Volume 1, Section 3
Tender guarantee (form in volume 1, section 3) To be completed on paper bearing the letterhead of the financial institution. The text should be 100% identical to the form!!!! (risk of exclusion!)

13 Other docs according to Volume 1, Section 4
FORM 4.1 GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE TENDERER (form to be filled and signed) FORM 4.2 ORGANISATION CHART (no specific form, but to be signed) FORM 4.3 POWER OF ATTORNEY (cover page to be signed, PoA to be attached) to be continued ->

14 Other docs according to Volume 1, Section 4
attach copies of the company's previous 3 years certified statements of account Attach copies of certificate about financial situation and credit facilities …..

15 Other docs according to Volume 1, Section 4

16 Other docs according to Volume 1, Section 4

17 Financial offer (Volume 4.3)
Following forms to be filled, signed and stamped: Bill of Quantity Detailed breakdown of prices: Breakdown of the basic prices for labour Breakdown of basic supply prices for materials and consumables Breakdown of basic hourly prices for equipment Breakdown of unit prices in the price schedule Detailed breakdown of site costs Detailed breakdown of the general costs

18 Undertaking certifying compliance with rule of origin
Note that : “all goods purchased under the contract must originate in a Member State of the European Union or in a country or territory of the regions covered and/or authorised by the specific instruments applicable to the programme” (ITT, article ). On paper bearing the letterhead of the tenderer Example: We, the undersigned, certify to comply with the rules specified in section of the Practical Guide to Contract Procedures for EU External Action (PRAG) with respect to the origin of all goods purchased under this contract.

19 Administrative evaluation Lot 6

20 Tender opening session
Public tender opening session : Checking whether : the tenders are complete, the requisite tender guarantees have been furnished, the tenders are generally in order. Public announcement of: tenderers' names, the tender prices offered, any discounts offered,

21 Tender opening session
Works Tender Opening Checklist

22 Tender opening session
Findings recorded in a Summary of Tenders Received

23 Evaluation procedure (1)
Examination of the administrative conformity of tenders: All forms have been properly signed; tender guarantee is correct (amount, wording); all the elements in the administrative compliance grid are acceptable; Tender has complete documentation and information; Tender substantially complies with the requirements of the tender documents. Tender envelop e number Tender er's name Nationali ty of tenderer (consorti um) eligible? (Yes/No) Documenta tion complete? (Yes/No) Language as required? (Yes/No) Tender submission form duly completed, including signed declarations? (Yes/No) Consortium agreement signed by all partners? (Yes/No/No t applicable) Sub- contractin g statemen t acceptabl e? (Yes/No/ Not applicabl e) Other administ rative require ments in tender dossier? (Yes/No /Not applicab le) Overall decisio n? (Accept / Reject)

24 Evaluation procedure (2)
Technical evaluation: The purpose of the evaluation process is to identify the tenderer which for the lowest cost is most likely to enable the Contracting Authority to achieve its objectives of having a facility that is completed on time, meets the published criteria and is within the budget available (ITT, article 22.2) Tender envelope N° Tenderer's name Rules of origin respected ? (Yes/No) Economic and financial capacity? (OK/a/b/…) Professional capacity? (OK/a/b/…) Technical capacity? (OK/a/b/…) Compliance with technical specifications? (OK/a/b/…) Ancillary services as required? (OK/a/b/…/NA) Nationalitie s of subcontrac tors eligible? Other technical requirements in tender dossier? (Yes/No/Not applicable) Technical compliance? (Yes/No) Observati ons

25 Evaluation procedure (3)
Financial evaluation Once the technical evaluation has been completed the evaluation committee checks that the financial offers contain no arithmetical errors and corrects arithmetical errors if necessary Conclusion : award to the least expensive tender classified as « technically compliant »

26 Award procedure Notification to preliminary awarded tenderer asking to submit documentary proof (15 days). If not submitted within 15 days, or if documentary proof not correct, invitation of second placed to submit documentary proof. Signature of contract.

27 Thank you very much for your attention !

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