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Types of Cells and Organelles

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1 Types of Cells and Organelles
Remember… Blue words are headings Green words are bullet points

2 Types of Cells Cells are the basic units of organisms
Cells can only be seen under microscope Basic types of cells: Animal Cell Plant Cell Bacterial Cell 2

3 Cells May be Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic
Prokaryotes include: Ex.) bacteria NO nucleus or membrane-bound structures called organelles Eukaryotes include : have a nucleus and organelles Ex.) plants, fungi, & animals We are “YOU” karyotic… get it?!? 3

4 Prokaryotes Nucleoid region contains the DNA (no nucleus)
Cell membrane & cell wall No membrane bound organelles!! 4

5 Eukaryotic Cell Has 3 basic cell structures: Nucleus Cell Membrane
Cytoplasm with organelles 5

6 Two Main Types of Eukaryotic Cells
Animal Cell Plant Cell 6

7 G Checkpoint Create a Venn diagram in your INB
Use it to compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells Write as many similarities and differences as possible Prokaryotes Eukaryotes

8 Cellular Organelles Essential question: How do the small parts of a cell help the cell survive?

9 Organelles: Parts of a Cell
Very small size Can only be observed under a microscope Have special functions/ jobs Found throughout cytoplasm 9

10 Cell Membrane Cell membrane Living layer
Controls what goes into or out of the cell Selectively permeable (semipermeable): only lets in certain materials Made of phospholipids and proteins

11 Cell Wall Cell wall Nonliving layer
Gives structure and shape to plant and bacterial cells

12 Mitchondria The mighty Mitochondria Rod shape Where Cellular respiration happens (ATP production) What’s ATP? 12

13 Chloroplast Only in plant cells Where photosynthesis happens
Uses sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to make sugar (glucose)

14 Nucleus Control center of the cell
Where the genetic instructions (aka:DNA) used for protein synthesis are stored.

15 Ribosomes Make proteins
Uses an RNA copy of the DNA genetic instructions to build proteins for the cell

16 Organelles Found in Cells
Some helpful examples: Endoplasmic reticulum (rough & smooth) – canals for movement Golgi Bodies – wrap & export proteins Nucleolus – makes ribosomes Lysosomes – digests & gets rid of wastes 16

17 Callouts On the yellow callout paper, answer the question “what is the purpose/ function of the mitochondria and chloroplast” You will have 5 minutes to do this independently (no talking please) Then you will share with a partner

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