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“going to” Future/ Future Simple

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1 “going to” Future/ Future Simple

2 “going to” Future Future Simple
1. Exprima intentia de a realiza o actiune. (decizia s-a luat anterior momentului vorbirii) Ex.: Maine o sa-mi vizitez matusa. I’m going to see my aunt tomorrow. 1. Exprima decizii luate in momentul vorbirii. Ex.: Ma plictisesc. Cred ca o sa-mi vizitez matusa acum. I’m getting bored. I think I’ll see my aunt now.

3 “going to” Future Future Simple
2. Exprima predictii bazate pe ceea ce percep cu simturile (simt, vad, aud). Ex.: Uita-te la cer! O sa vina o furtuna. Look at the sky! A storm is going to come. 2. Exprima predictii bazate pe ceea ce crezi. Ex.: Mama crede ca eu voi avea o cariera buna in muzica. My mother thinks I’ll have a good career in music.

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