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All About Paul Revere.

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Presentation on theme: "All About Paul Revere."— Presentation transcript:

1 All About Paul Revere

2 Paul Revere was a Patriot who wanted liberty for the colonists.
Hi! I’m Paul Revere. I fought for freedom! Paul Revere was a Patriot who wanted liberty for the colonists.

3 I am known for being determined and wanting liberty
I am known for being determined and wanting liberty. As you learn more about my life, see if you can point out times where I show those character traits. First, let’s take a look at what those words mean!

4 being free from restriction or control
Revere was a leader of the Sons of Liberty during America’s fight for liberty. The war between England and America is known as the Revolutionary War or the War of Independence. America wanted liberty from England. the word liberty means being free from restriction or control

5 continuing to try to do or achieve something that is difficult
Paul did not agree with America having to pay taxes to England. He was determined for America to become independent from England. the word determination means continuing to try to do or achieve something that is difficult


7 From the Boston Museum of Fine Arts

8 EQ: Who was Paul Revere? Paul Revere was born in Massachusetts which was one of the thirteen colonies. The exact date of his birth is not known, but most sources list either December 31, 1734 or January 1, 1735. We will use January 1, 1735 as Paul’s birthday.

9 EQ: Who was Paul Revere? Paul grew up in Massachusetts. His father was a silversmith. Paul would grow up to be a silversmith as well.

10 A silversmith is a person who makes things out of silver.
EQ: Who was Paul Revere? A silversmith is a person who makes things out of silver.

11 Can you think of some things that Paul might have made out of silver?
EQ: Who was Paul Revere? Can you think of some things that Paul might have made out of silver?

12 Scraps are melted down to create new items.
Author Mauro Cateb

13 Silver teapot created by Paul Revere on display at the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts. Author Daderot

14 Coffee pot created by Paul Revere on display at the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts. Author Daderot

15 Child’s whistle and bell toy created by Paul Revere on display at the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts. Author Daderot

16 Cups created by Paul Revere on display at the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts.
Author Daderot

17 EQ: Who was Paul Revere? Paul’s life was very different from our life today. There were many things that we use every day that had not been invented yet!

18 Most houses were very small. Many were made from logs!
EQ: Who was Paul Revere?

19 EQ: Who was Paul Revere? Fireplaces served as ovens to cook food and heaters to keep the houses warm during harsh winter months.

20 EQ: Who was Paul Revere? The clothing was very different as well. What are some things you see in this picture that you would not see today?

21 If it was too far to walk, a horse or a horse and wagon were your only options for transportation!

22 There was another big difference during Paul’s time
There was another big difference during Paul’s time. America was not free. American colonists like Paul had to pay taxes to England.

23 Paul wanted liberty. This means he wanted America to be independent and free from England.

24 Here is a map. Can you find England
Here is a map. Can you find England? England is also called Great Britain.

25 King George, the King of England, wanted America to keep paying taxes
King George, the King of England, wanted America to keep paying taxes. King George did NOT want America to become independent.

26 Hi, my name is King George. I am the King of England
Hi, my name is King George. I am the King of England. I love it when American colonists pay me taxes!

27 The Sons of Liberty were a secret organization of American patriots
The Sons of Liberty were a secret organization of American patriots. Paul was one of the leaders. A Patriot was a colonist who wanted freedom from the British. The British wanted to keep control of Massachusetts and the other colonies.

28 The British sent soldiers to make sure the colonists did not rebel
The British sent soldiers to make sure the colonists did not rebel. It was dangerous to be a Patriot and to be a part of the Sons of Liberty, but Paul was determined to gain freedom.

29 Paul was a leader in the Sons of Liberty
Paul was a leader in the Sons of Liberty. The Sons of Liberty were watching the British closely so they could warn the colonists if they started to attack. The Sons of Liberty also led protests to show that they did not agree with paying taxes to England.

30 The Sons of Liberty’s most famous protest was the Boston Tea Party in Patriots dumped tea from England into the Boston harbor. The British closed the harbor and sent troops to Boston.

31 Originally uploaded by en:User:Chancemill to english Wikipedia on 30 Apr 2004.

32 This is what the Boston harbor looks like today.
Niki Sublime] from Boston, USA

33 One of Paul’s most famous acts to help the colonists win freedom is known as the Midnight Ride. Paul found out that the British were coming to destroy the colonists’ weapons. He rode on horseback to warn the colonists. He did not yell, “The British are coming!” because he was trying to stay quiet!

34 Office of War Information

35 When the British arrived, the Patriots were ready
When the British arrived, the Patriots were ready! Shots were fired and the Revolutionary War began. In the end, the Patriots won the war and their freedom.

36 The war between the America colonists and the British is called the Revolutionary War. It is also known as the War of Independence.

37 The war lasted six years!
EQ: Who was Paul Revere? The war lasted six years!

38 It is important to remember that although America won the Revolutionary War and gained freedom from England, all Americans were not free. African-Americans would not be free until President Lincoln issued The Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863.

39 EQ: Who was Paul Revere? Revere died on May 10, 1818, at the age of 83, in Boston. He was not famous at all during his lifetime. Paul did not become famous until almost 40 years after his death because of a poem called, “Paul Revere’s Ride.”

40 EQ: Who was Paul Revere? In 1861, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote "Paul Revere's Ride" which starts: Listen, my children, and you shall hear Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere, On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-Five; Hardly a man is now alive Who remembers that famous day and year

41 EQ: How does our life compare and contrast to Paul Revere’s life?
Think about your life today and Revere life. How are things in your life different from Revere’s life? How are things the same?

42 EQ: How does our life compare and contrast to Paul Revere’s life?
Here are some things to think about: communication homes transportation hobbies rights and freedoms food clothing

43 EQ: What locations are significant
to Paul Revere? Paul Revere traveled to many different places! Let’s see if we can find some of the important places he went.

44 EQ: What locations are significant
Let’s use a map to find some of the places that are important to Paul Revere! EQ: What locations are significant to Paul Revere ?











55 EQ: What character traits describe
Paul Revere? courage is the ability to do something that you know is difficult or dangerous

56 EQ: What character traits describe
Paul Revere? determination is continuing to try to do or achieve something that is difficult

57 diligence steady, earnest, and energetic effort to accomplish a task
EQ: What character traits describe Paul Revere? diligence steady, earnest, and energetic effort to accomplish a task

58 leadership a person who rules, guides, or inspires others
EQ: What character traits describe Paul Revere? leadership a person who rules, guides, or inspires others

59 liberty being free from restriction or control
EQ: What character traits describe Paul Revere? liberty being free from restriction or control

60 EQ: What character traits describe Paul Revere?
Complete the adjective bubble map on Paul. Write character traits and adjectives in the bubbles to describe Paul Revere.


62 We have learned many important facts about
EQ: What are the most important facts about Paul Revere? We have learned many important facts about Paul Revere!

63 EQ: What are the most important facts
about Paul Revere? We learned that he was born in Massachusetts in Paul’s father taught him how to be a silversmith. He is known for showing determination and wanting liberty. He wanted America to be free from England. A person who wanted to to be free from England was called a Patriot.

64 EQ: What are the most important facts
about Paul Revere? Paul worked with a secret group of Patriots called the Sons of Liberty. The war between England and America is known as the Revolutionary War. America won the war and became independent. Paul helped America win the war when he rode on horseback to warn the Patriots that the British were marching towards them. This ride is known as the Midnight Ride.

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