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Mountain Building.

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Presentation on theme: "Mountain Building."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mountain Building

2 Formation Mountains can be formed in many different ways.
Collision of plates Spreading of plates Faulting Folding Uplift

3 Collision of Plates

4 Spreading of Plates

5 Faults Breaks in the rock along which movement occurs Three Types
Normal Faults Reverse Faults Strike-Slip Faults All 3 can produce mountains

6 Hanging Wall/Foot Wall

7 Normal Faults Caused due to tension (pulling apart)
The hanging wall drops The foot wall stays up

8 Grand Tetons


10 Reverse Faults Caused due to compression
The hanging wall is pushed up over the foot wall

11 Appalachians


13 Strike-Slip Faults Caused due to shearing forces
Hanging/Foot walls move side to side Mountains can be formed when the fault is bent causing plates to grind against one another



16 Folding A bending of the rock due to compressional forces.
2 types of folds Anticlines Synclines

17 Anticlines An upfold in the rocks
Oldest rocks found at the center of the fold

18 Synclines A downfold in the rock
Oldest rocks found along the edges of the fold

19 Limbs Folds are connected by limbs that run diagonally up or down


21 Metamorphic Rocks Formed when igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks or sedimentary rocks are changed due to intense heat or pressure. Solid State Reactions (rock stays in a solid state during the process) These changes can change the minerals, the texture or both depending on the conditions.

22 Heat – Deep burial or magma rising
Burial – temperature changes 30 degrees for every km of depth in the crust Magma rising through the crust will also add temperature to existing rock layers. Hot fluids can also change composition with ions found in super-heated water.

23 Pressure Due to the burying of sediment
Collisions from plates squeezing the existing rocks


25 Types of Metamorphism Contact Found near igneous intrusions
Isolated rock layers undergo metamorphosis

26 Regional Found across broad regions
Entire rock layers undergo metamorphosis Usually foliated Burying and collisions



29 Classifying Metamorphic Rocks
Texture Foliated – Layers and bands present Nonfoliated – No layers or bands present Grain Size Coarse Grain – Large crystals Fine Grain – Small crystals

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