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LO: To evaluate the preaching of the Second Crusade

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1 LO: To evaluate the preaching of the Second Crusade
Learning Outcomes By the end of this lesson you will be able to... - Describe the role of Warlord Zengi E-D - Explain the changing situation in Outremer C-B - Judge the most important factor in the call to Crusade A-A*

2 Fact Test! You have 5 minutes.
LO: To evaluate the preaching of the Second Crusade Task: Once you are in And settled... Fact Test! You have 5 minutes. - Describe the role of Warlord Zengi E-D - Explain the changing situation in Outremer C-B - Judge the most important factor in the call to Crusade A-A*

3 LO: To evaluate the preaching of the Second Crusade
1071 Manzikert First Crusade Crusader States Second Crusade 1169 Rise of Saladin - Describe the role of Warlord Zengi E-D - Explain the changing situation in Outremer C-B - Judge the most important factor in the call to Crusade A-A* Third Crusade

4 LO: To evaluate the preaching of the Second Crusade
- Describe the role of Warlord Zengi E-D - Explain the changing situation in Outremer C-B - Judge the most important factor in the call to Crusade A-A* So why was it launched? Internal problems in Outremer Byzantine threat to Antioch. Battle of Field of Blood 1119 - Fulk and Melisende Revolt of Hugh of Jaffa - Refuses trial by combat over Melisende - Hugh allies with Ascalon - Stabbed and dies in Italy. Ally John Comnenus dies Raymond of Antioch ignores plea for Help as busy attacking Byzantines. - Jerusalem alliance with Damascus. Zengi's Capture of Edessa Dec 1144 - Imad ad-Din Zengi Governor of Mosul - Controlled Allepo - Brutal ruler - Concept of Jihad - Joscelin II alliance with Ortuqid Warlord Diyr Bakr - Aut 1144 Edessa unprotected + Isolated. - Siege towers and tunnels, speedy attack - Christmas Eve walls collapse. - Boxing day slaughter in Citadel. Christian World horrified. - Zengi assassinated 1146. Crusaders repair Edessa only For Nur al-Din of Aleppo to attack. - Joscelin II captured and blinded

5 LO: To evaluate the preaching of the Second Crusade
- Describe the role of Warlord Zengi E-D - Explain the changing situation in Outremer C-B - Judge the most important factor in the call to Crusade A-A* “Like wolves among a flock of lambs they fell upon them in their midst, They slaughtered indiscriminately, the martyrs let out streams of blood, They massacred without compassion the young and children, They had no mercy on the grey hairs of the elderly or those with child” - Armenian “Lament on Edessa” Quantum Praedecessores Dec - Pope Eugenius III r -Took at least until May 1145 to learn of Edessa. - Louis VII of France and Conrad III of Germany also targeted by messengers. - [On Pope Eugenius’ accession] “What have you done? Have you no other wise or experienced leader to turn to? He is a rustic!” – Bernard of Clairvaux - Expedition should follow in the footsteps of forefathers - Eugenius builds foreign links, especially with Armenians (Melisende half-Armenian) - Achievements of First Crusade should not be wasted. - Bernard of Clairvaux goes on preaching tour, healing blind en route - Papal Bull read out at a variety of meetings and to audiences of Lords or others. - Bernard runs out of crosses so has to use own garments -At Vezelay the rostrum collapses under weight, apart from segment holding Louis VII. Key Themes Indulgence. Image of fathers and sons. Appeal to honour of Christian Knights Historical Precedent Papal Propaganda, Pope has divine auth. Remission of Sin. Helping Eastern Church.

6 LO: To evaluate the preaching of the Second Crusade
Quantum Praedecessores Dec Task: In your pairs read your copy of The Papal Bull Quantum Praedecessores. How many different factors in going on Crusade can you identify? Indulgence. Image of fathers and sons. Appeal to honour of Christian Knights Historical Precedent Papal Propaganda, Pope has divine auth. Remission of Sin. Helping Eastern Church. Pope Eugenius III r - Describe the role of Warlord Zengi E-D - Explain the changing situation in Outremer C-B - Judge the most important factor in the call to Crusade A-A*

7 What was the Significance of Quantum Praedecessores?
LO: To evaluate the preaching of the Second Crusade What was the Significance of Quantum Praedecessores? - Describe the role of Warlord Zengi E-D - Explain the changing situation in Outremer C-B - Judge the most important factor in the call to Crusade A-A*

8 LO: To evaluate the preaching of the Second Crusade
- Describe the role of Warlord Zengi E-D - Explain the changing situation in Outremer C-B - Judge the most important factor in the call to Crusade A-A*

9 LO: To evaluate the preaching of the Second Crusade
- Describe the role of Warlord Zengi E-D - Explain the changing situation in Outremer C-B - Judge the most important factor in the call to Crusade A-A*

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