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Senior Reminders If you have not already signed up for Mr. Norton’s REMIND texts, please text @lchsccr to 81010 On your phone or on the computer, VOTE.

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Reminders If you have not already signed up for Mr. Norton’s REMIND texts, please text @lchsccr to 81010 On your phone or on the computer, VOTE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior Reminders If you have not already signed up for Mr. Norton’s REMIND texts, please to 81010 On your phone or on the computer, VOTE FOR YOUR PROM THEME HERE: FINISH YOUR FAFSA Some schools have priority deadlines as early as December 1 – If you have questions/concerns about FAFSA, see Mr. Norton or Mrs. Maguire. Some schools require completion of FAFSA for certain merit- based scholarships

2 Visits to the Career Center (105)
College/Career Visits: The LC Career Center is hosting the following colleges for informational meetings. If you would like to attend, please get a note from your teacher before going to the Career Center room 105. November 8: US Marines (11:00-11:30) November 16: US Air Force (11:00-noon) December 8: Central Washington University Application Event (1:30-3:30)

3 Other Important Dates:
TAKE A PICTURE OF THIS SLIDE! - November 8: NCAA National Letter of Intent Day - November 10: Veterans Day—No School - November 15: Priority Admissions Deadline: UW, Gonzaga, Whitworth, others - January 15: Regular Decision Application Deadline: Whitman, UPS, SPU, SU, others - January 31: Regular Decision Application Deadline: WSU, WWU, others - February 1: Regular Decision Application Deadline: Gonzaga, EWU, others

4 Upcoming Senior Seminars
NO DECEMBER SEMINAR January 9 – EWU Special Guest Speaker in Auditorium – Scholarships/Paying for college/life after high school January 23 – STCU Special Guest Speaker in Auditorium – Game Show with prizes!

5 Reminders: Letters of Recommendation
Complete the purple “Self-Reflection” form available in the Student office or online (Under College & Career – Senior Info) and hand in or to your teacher/counselor who is writing your letter of rec You must FIRST communicate IN PERSON with your recommender (teacher, counselor) After requesting the letter IN PERSON, and giving the recommender your Self-Reflection form, you must send your request through Naviance which sends the teacher/counselor an and links them to the process Please be sure to CLEARLY communicate your deadlines and which colleges you need letters for Life Skills HINT: Write a thank you note to anyone who’s written a letter for you!

6 During computer time today:
IF you are applying to college: Follow the Naviance instructions on the slides that follow If you are not done with applications, use the time to complete them If you are going into the workforce/military/or you’re not sure: Go to to begin researching potential pathways Work on Self-Reflection sheet that will be submitted with your High School & Beyond Plan (electronic copy on under “Senior Info” in College & Career section Work on a résumé

7 Here’s where we are so far…
As of 10/31/17: 39.3 percent of students (212) have indicated they’ve applied to a college 199 students have submitted FAFSA (as of ) 125 students have applied to colleges but not completed the FAFSA

8 Log in to Naviance

9 To access your account:
Username = student id Password = 6 digit birthdate

10 Get to your colleges list
1. Select Colleges tab 2. Select “colleges I’m applying to”

11 You will be prompted to link to the Common App IF you will be applying to a college that requires it. If you are, enter your Common App address and birthday, then match it. If you are not applying to a Common App school or don’t know if it is a Common App school, then click on “not needed” link. Remind students that, if they’re not sure whether or not they’re applying to a Common App school – they can check that information online in a new tab. Also let them know that, if they haven’t yet created their Common App account, they can do that during this time period as well.

12 FOR Common Application:
You MUST list your schools in your Common App for them to link with Naviance. Please double check that you have done this. You should see the “CA” in the box if your school is listed correctly in Common App. Click the edit (pencil) icon to update any relevant information such as how you are applying (Early Action/Regular Decision)

13 Add Colleges Click here to add schools. We need to know all schools/programs where you apply (including Running Start students continuing at EWU or community colleges).

14 Update this section if necessary
1. Indicate how you are applying. “Early admission” dates are past or approaching now. Most students apply “Regular Decision”. 2. Please click the box to let us know you’ve submitted your application 3. Lastly, click “Add Colleges”

15 Clicking here notifies us of additional details including if you’ve been accepted, deferred, wait-listed, etc. LC will track ALL the schools where you’ve been accepted, so please be sure to use this! Other details As part of your High School & Beyond Plan requirement, we need to know where you are attending so please indicate that here once you’ve decided.


17 You know your Naviance current when:
All colleges/programs you’re applying to are listed You’ve indicated you’ve APPLIED and requested transcripts Letters of recommendation have been requested if necessary

18 By the end of Seminar today
You will have: Updated Naviance if you’re applying to a college Completed your Self-Reflection form & saved an electronic copy Done research on career options on if you’re unsure of your post-high school plan Finished college applications if necessary By the end of Seminar today

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