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Social Studies Essential UNIT Question: How did geography influence the development of the Eastern hemisphere?

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Presentation on theme: "Social Studies Essential UNIT Question: How did geography influence the development of the Eastern hemisphere?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Studies Essential UNIT Question: How did geography influence the development of the Eastern hemisphere?

2 DO-NOW: Place Homework in portfolio; Update Table of Contents;

3 Focus Question: How did advantages of the New Stone Age affect the growth of civilization?

4 The Rise of Civilization:
New Stone Age people began to live in concentrated areas, or early versions of cities. As a result, “civilization” developed, making it possible for people to live together cooperatively. Settlements were built near rivers, lakes and other waterways. Housing made of thick bricks, mud and straw predominated; Early writing systems emerged as a way of managing trade with others, and keeping records.

5 Evidence of Civilization:
The domestication of animals, such as goats, sheep, pigs, and horses. The domestication of cultivated plants and grains, such as wheat, barley and oats. A surplus, which is to say, an abundance of stored food, needed to be managed by someone. Food was now available in the winter months, as hunting became obsolete (a thing of the past). People begin to specialize, which is to say, take up specific jobs (farmer, potter, merchant, soldier, metal worker, record keeper, tax collector, etc.)

6 The Importance of Trade:
Surplus trade built trust between different groups; As a result, ideas, technology and resources were exchanged; Resources included medicine, tools, agricultural products, the latest inventions, etc.

7 Activity: Using the VENN diagram and your notes, please compare the Old Stone Age with the New Stone Age!

8 Today I Learned . . .

9 Homework # 16 Read pages 46-49 in your textbook.
Answer the Review and Assess questions on page 49. Define the highlighted words in your glossary.

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