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GEOP 4355 Transportation Routing Models

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Presentation on theme: "GEOP 4355 Transportation Routing Models"— Presentation transcript:

1 GEOP 4355 Transportation Routing Models
Outline What is routing? Why is routing important? Transportation routing basics Routing problems solving Sources/references used in the preparation of this presentation are listed in the Introduction presentation

2 What is routing? Determining the best path between two points (line) or for a milk run (multiple deliveries). Factors to be considered Travel Time : f[congestion, distance, infrastructure] Delivery windows (when promised / receiving times at the delivery locations) Pickups (if considering a mix of deliveries and pickups) Minimize: Empty Hauling

3 What is routing? Go to IBM page

4 Why is routing important?
Effective use of assets and workers Maximize deliveries/resources (outputs/inputs) Reduce need to replace/purchase new equipment Reduce maintenance and wear/tear Meet customer needs On time delivery Speed of delivery Availability for rush orders Minimize effect on the environment (green transportation – minimize CO2 emissions)

5 Transportation routing basics
Routing complexity elements Fleet has different types of vehicles with different capacities Pickups and deliveries in same route Delivery time windows Driver safety rules (500 miles, 8 hours,…)

6 Transportation routing basics
Some Principles Forming clusters (groups in close proximity) Less total travel

7 Transportation routing basics
Some Principles Plan starting from farthest point Teardrop pattern Plan largest vehicles first Pickup mixed with deliveries (considering vehicle loading/unloading process) A stop far from all clusters indicates a need for an alternative means (for example outsourcing it) Considerations of milk runs versus direct shipments

8 Routing problem solving
Routing: Travelling Salesman Problem A classical problem in the field of mathematics/ computer science. Defined in the 1800s by the Irish mathematician W. R. Hamilton and by the British mathematician Thomas Kirkman It’s the subject of significant study. NP = Non Polynomial.

9 Routing problem solving
TSP: A person/vehicle/… must visit n locations. The route must start and end in the same location. A route must visit all n locations. There is a cost associated with each connection (time or distance). Hamiltonian Cycle: A route that visits all n locations in a cycle. Classic TSP: Each node can only be visited once, Practical TSP: can backtrack/return. DM: the manager of the moving resource.

10 Routing problem solving
Example: Truck must deliver to 5 customers. Given: distances between the customers. Start is location E (although not a relevant issue for the process) B 16 17 5 11 22 24 A E C 7 13 19 D 27

11 Routing problem solving
Solving TSP optimally would require full enumeration. EBCDAE, EBCADE, ECBDAE, ECBADE, ECDBAE, ECDABE, …4! = 24 combinations. Heuristics. Best solution that can be found by a simple method. An actual solution but not optimal. Want as low as possible.

12 Routing problem solving
Minimum Neighbor Algorithm Select any node. Select unvisited node with the smallest distance/cost. Go back to #2 until all nodes have been visited.

13 Routing problem solving
From B 3 options D is the lowest distance B 16 17 5 11 22 24 B A E C 16 17 7 13 19 5 11 D 22 24 A E C 27 7 Start with E 4 options To B is the lowest distance 13 19 D 27

14 Routing problem solving
From A, rest of cycle is set. Distance = = 80 B 16 17 5 11 B 22 24 A E C 16 17 7 5 11 13 19 D 22 24 A E C 27 7 13 19 From D 2 options A is the lowest distance D 27

15 Routing problem solving
Starting from A Distance = = 69 B 16 17 5 11 22 24 A E C 7 13 19 D 27

16 Routing problem solving
Mixing routings and number of trips Could include a requirement for multiple trips due to vehicle capacity constraints Determine the sets of visits for each trip and the route. Considers multiple transportation rates. DM: Traffic manager using a 3PL transportation company.

17 Routing problem solving
Three loads to ship from DC: 13K, 18K, 10K. Lbs. to A, B, and C Rates per cwt mile (cwt = 100 lbs.) base= $0.032 cwt-mile S ≥ 15K = $0.023 cwt-mile S ≥ 35K = $0.015 cwt-mile TL = $5.9 per mile Max capacity = 45K Stop-offs = $400 each Empty haul not an issue for TM One load with stops Direct routing with next rate B 340 175 500 250 140 C A

18 Routing problem solving
Ship all loads in a single truck. Route: A → B → C Total weight of shipment = 41K lbs. Applicable rate = $0.015/cwt Cost per mile = 41K lbs. / 100 × $0.015/cwt/mile = $6.15/mile. Next rate = Truck Load = $5.9/mile. Best use the Truck Load rate. Total miles = 565 Movement cost = 565 miles x $5.9/mile = $3333.5 Stop-offs = 2 x $400 Total cost = $4,133.5

19 Routing problem solving
Ship all loads separately Ship to A (13K Lbs.) Applicable rate = $0.032/cwt Cost per mile = 13K lbs. / 100 × $0.032/cwt/mile = $4.16/mile. Next rate = $0.023/cwt Cost per mile = 15K lbs. / 100 × $0.023/cwt/mile = $3.45/mile Best to use the next rate = $3.45/mile Movement cost = 250 miles x $3.45/mile = $862.5

20 Routing problem solving
Ship all loads separately Ship to B (18K Lbs.) Applicable rate = $0.023/cwt Cost per mile = 18K lbs. / 100 × $0.023/cwt/mile = $4.14/mile. Next rate = $0.015/cwt Cost per mile = 35K lbs. / 100 × $0.015/cwt/mile = $5.25/mile Best to use the applicable rate Movement cost = 340 miles x $4.14/mile = $1,407.6

21 Routing problem solving
Ship all loads separately Ship to C (10K Lbs.) Applicable rate = $0.032/cwt Cost per mile = 10K lbs. / 100 × $0.032/cwt/mile = $3.2/mile. Next rate = $0.023/cwt Cost per mile = 15K lbs. / 100 × $0.023/cwt/mile = $3.45/mile Best to use the applicable rate = $3.2/mile Movement cost = 500 miles x $3.2/mile = $1,600 Total cost = $ $1, $1,600 = $3,870.1 Current best solution = ship loads separately

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