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Martin Luther challenges the Church

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Presentation on theme: "Martin Luther challenges the Church"— Presentation transcript:

1 Martin Luther challenges the Church
The Reformation Martin Luther challenges the Church

2 Reformation What: A religious reform movement which starts in GERMANY ( ) Why important: Leads to the development of new religions & forever changes European society

3 Roman Catholic Church Dominated European religious life by 10th century Renaissance emphasis on secularism, individualism & humanism challenged Church authority

4 Christianity Roman Catholic Protestant

5 Critics of the Catholic Church
Claimed leaders were corrupt Senior Priests often lived in luxury, fought wars & patronized the arts Lower level clergy were poorly educated, could often barely read or teach Others broke vows by gambling, marrying & drinking

6 Past Challenges to the Church
John Hus Challenged Roman Catholic Church Burned at staked in 1415

7 Church Faces Financial Problems
Church needed money Pope Leo X put Johann Tezel in charge of selling indulgences

8 Tezel Reading

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