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Protestant Reformation

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1 Protestant Reformation

2 Renaissance New ways of thinking led to questioning of Church teachings

3 Protestant Reformation
What does it mean to “protest”? To object to something What does it mean to “reform”? To change What were Protestants objecting to and changing? The Catholic Church

4 Causes of Reformation Growth of power of the Pope Church corruption
The sale of indulgences Certificates that reduced time in purgatory Renaissance ideas Printing press- people read the Bible and disagreed with Church

5 Martin Luther German Monk Objected to indulgences
1517- wrote 95 Theses and nailed them on a church door in Wittenberg, Germany Printing press spread his ideas quickly

6 Luther’s Doctrine Argued that Faith and not Works is more important for salvation Argued Bible was final authority on matters of faith, not church leaders or the Pope


8 Other Protestors King Henry VIII- created the Church of England (Anglican Church) John Calvin- followers became known as “Calvinists”

9 Catholic Counter-Reformation
Movement within the Catholic Church to counter the attacks made by Protestants Jesuits- Society of Jesus- goal to spread Christianity while stopping Protestantism Council of Trent- Meeting within the Church to reform corruption and respond to Protestants

10 Do you see any potential problems?

11 Catholic v. Protestant Take out a piece of paper and put your name on it. Read the information that outlines the differences in beliefs between the Catholics and Protestants. In complete sentences, explain the 3 biggest differences between the two religions. Explain why these differences are important.

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