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Presentation on theme: "ACS and ADFS."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACS and ADFS

2 Objectives Clarify ACS and ADFS Relationship

3 Core Functionality - STS
ACS and ADFS Core Functionality is STS Security Token Service

4 Cloud vs. On-Premises STS
ADFS is On-Premises STS Windows Server Component ACS is Cloud STS Windows Azure Platform Component

5 Identity vs. Federation Provider
ACS is Federation Provider Does not manage identities Federates with Internet identity providers Federates with ADFS too! ADFS is both Identity and Federation Provider Relies on Active Directory for identity management Federates with non-MS enterprise identity products

6 Key Takeaways STS is core functionality ACS: cloud federation provider
ADFS: on-premises identity & federation provider ACS and ADFS integrate seamlessly

7 Next Steps Sign up for free trial at Learn more at

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