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How to give an order, or make a suggestion for action.

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1 How to give an order, or make a suggestion for action.
Impératif How to give an order, or make a suggestion for action.

2 Impératif The imperative, called L’impératif in French is a verb mood which is used to Give an order Express a desire Make a request Offer advice Recommend something

3 Impératif In English, when we give an order we say:
“Go away!” or “Take out your books” or “Give me that!” Notice: each of those sentences starts with a VERB instead of a subject! We don’t say “You go away!” or “You give me that!” The subject exists, except we don’t usually say it.

4 “Subjects” we give orders to:
Tu: When you talk to a close friend. Ex: Give me that! (Tu)Donne moi ça! Nous: When you’re talking about yourself and that friend Ex. Let’s go to a movie. (Nous)Allons au cinéma Vous: Literally, everyone else Ex. Turn left. (Vous) Tournez à gauche.

5 How to write impératif Parler
The imperative conjugations for nous and vous are the same as for regular present tense. So that’s easy. The tu form of the imperative is the same minus the final s. Parler Normally: Tu parles. Nous parlons. Vous parlez. Impératif: Parle. Parlons. Parlez. Note: No subject. And the tu version changed.

6 More examples Ex: Fermez la porte Close the door Mangeons le souper maintenant Let’s eat supper now

7 And even more! Ex: Attendez moi Wait for me Allez à l’école Go to school

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