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Semi-Symbolic Analysis of Analog and Signal Processing Systems

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Presentation on theme: "Semi-Symbolic Analysis of Analog and Signal Processing Systems"— Presentation transcript:

1 Semi-Symbolic Analysis of Analog and Signal Processing Systems
Carna Radojicic, Florian Schupfer and Prof. Dr. Christoph Grimm

2 Overview Motivation State of the Art Proposed Solution
Simulation results Conclusion Radojicic Carna

3 Motivation Accurate models -> Increase in model parameters
Process variation -> Parameter deviations Efficient system analysis and verification methods Radojicic Carna

4 Motivation Verification of analog-mixed signal systems with parameter deviations Achieving full coverage with small number of simulation runs Numerical Simulation: Incomplete coverage High number of simulation runs Semi-symbolic simulation: Complete coverage for considered parameter space One simulation run Radojicic Carna

5 State of the Art Simulation based techniques
Monte Carlo, Corner Case, Worst Case Design of Experiments[Rafaila] Importance sampling[Srinivasan] Formal verification techniques Model checking, Equivalence checking Hybrid verification[Henzinger] Radojicic Carna

6 Proposed solution Parameter deviations represented as ranges
using Affine Arithmetic Semi-symbolic simulation Guaranteed result inclusion in one simulation run Radojicic Carna

7 Implementation Semi- symbolic simulation on system level – SystemC AMS
Simulation on transistor level Radojicic Carna

8 Affine Arithmetic System deviations modeled in intervals
Intervals labeled by symbols Symbols εi represent interval [-1, 1] xi is the numerical value which scales the interval Affine variable consists of nominal value and superimposed intervals Radojicic Carna

9 Graphical representations
Range based system response Signal construction by sub-ranges Radojicic Carna

10 I/Q receiver with parameter deviations
Radojicic Carna

11 Simulation results The bounds of output signal ranges represent the worst case behavior The principle for verification The system meets specification for the worst case -> The specification is satisfied for all values included into the range Formal verification result obtained inside the range Radojicic Carna

12 Simulation results The specification for the worst case not satisfied -> the system must be refined To refine the system the sources of uncertainties must be tracked back to their origin to be identified Radojicic Carna

13 Conclusion Efficient simulation performance
Pessimistic worst case bounds  single run Traceable deviations influence Refinement information/recommendations Radojicic Carna

14 Thank You for Your Attention!
Monika Rafaila, Christoph Grimm, Christian Decker, and Georg Pelz. Sequential design of experiments for effective model-based validation of electronic control units. e&i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, 127:164–170, 2010. R. Srinivasan, Importance sampling - Applications in communications and detection, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002. Darius Grabowski, Daniel Platte, Lars Hedrich, and Erich Barke. Time Constrained verification of Analog Circuits using Model-Checking Algorithms. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), 153(3):37–52, 2006. Radojicic Carna

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