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A New Era.

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1 A New Era

2 I. Economic Prosperity Causes of Economic Boom
Destruction of Europe left the US as the only industrialized nation Technology – Model T ($850) 15 million cars sold in 1920 vs 5 million in 1929 Assembly line made cars more affordable Auto spurred other industries Radio – motion pictures grew; entertainment outside of the home Advertisement – whetted the demand for products Consumerism Fostered growth of advertising which benefited from expansion on national mass circulation magazines such as Time, Readers Digest, and Saturday Evening Post

3 Farm and Labor Problems
Public opinion turned against strikes due to Red Scare Farmers overproduction and foreign competition reduced farmers income Many migrated to cities

4 II. Life in the Twenties Consumerism Automobile Radio Movies
Altered American life as much as the railroad Became the symbol of social equality Radio KDKA – ushered in the radio era (1920) first commercial Movies Silent Films: Charlie Chaplin, Rudolp Valentino The Jazz Singer (1927) first film with sound Shaped the behavior of the young

5 Women and Family Life Family decreased between 1920-1930
The Flapper – symbolized independence Bobbed hair, short skirts, danced, smoked, and wore makeup

6 The Great Migration – large number of blacks move North
Blacks forced to move and lured by industrial jobs Many moved to inner cities Marcus Garvey Universal Negro Improvement Association Believed blacks should separate themselves from corrupt white society Deported because of mail fraud

7 The Lost Generation Writers and artists fell at odds with society
Wrote about the hypocrisy of society Lived a life of disillusionment Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, T.S. Eliot

8 Harlem Renaissance – literary movement of blacks in NYC.
Rejected white society calling “new negro” Celebrated black history Wrote about black life and injustice in society Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen

9 The Jazz Age – music derived from black music
Blacks moved north took their music with them Gave blacks a place in a consumer culture Duke Ellignton, Bessie Smith, Louis Armstrong

10 III. The Cultural Backlash
Fundamentalism v. Modernism Fundamentalist opposed scientific teaching that cast doubt on veracity of scripture Modernists attempted to adapt religion to the teachings of modern science Scopes Trial (1925) John Scopes violated law restricting evolution William Jennings Bryan (prosecutor) and Clarence Darrow (defense). Scopes was found guilty

11 Rise of 2nd Ku Klux Klan (1915-1925)
Rose in response to movie Birth of a Nation (1915) More anti-foreign than anti-black Strength in Midwest and South Targeted foreigners, Jews, and Catholics Declined after exposure as money making org. Prohibition – 18th Amendment Strong demand for alcohol and weak enforcement led to a hypocrisy Saloons replaced by “Speakeasies” Organized crime grew in major cities Al Capone, Volstead Act – passed to enforce prohibition

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