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SCRABBLE® Tournament! Don’t miss the NRV’s Second Annual

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1 SCRABBLE® Tournament! Don’t miss the NRV’s Second Annual
Thursday, October 16, 2008, 5:30 p.m. German Club Manor on Southgate Drive in Blacksburg Emcee Oscar Wilde (on his 154th Birthday) (as portrayed by Wesley Young, Theatre Professor at Radford University) To Benefit: Literacy Volunteers of the New River Valley Doors open at 5:30 p.m. for SILENT AUCTION and Light Supper Tournament play starts at 6:15 p.m. Join other area adults who love to play SCRABBLE ® and help the literacy effort in the New River Valley at the same time. This will be an evening of word-building fun and fast-paced competition — you won’t want to miss it! Proceeds from the tournament will go to Literacy Volunteers of the New River Valley (an accredited affiliate of ProLiteracy America), a group that teaches basic and English literacy skills to adults and raises literacy awareness throughout the New River Valley. Talk to your friends, family, co-workers, book club members, neighbors – anyone you know who loves to play SCRABBLE ®. Everyone is welcome to play, have fun and support literacy. Clip the form below and return it to: Literacy Volunteers of the New River Valley, 195 West Main Street, Christiansburg, VA , by October 1, The $30/person entry fee entitles you to a game ticket to the opening social, catered meal and silent auction. Tickets are available at Blacksburg, Christiansburg and Radford Public Libraries, Floyd Country Store, The Cellar, Bonomos, Ben and Jerrys and Gillie’s. For more information, call the LV-NRV office at Sign up for a SCRABBLE ® Team!: OR I want to be placed on a team! Team Name:_______________________ (Think of a fun name like “Triple Trouble”) Name______________________ Name:____________________________ Phone #____________________ Name:____________________________ Address & Phone Number of Contact Person: _________________________________________________________________________________ COST: $30 per person. Tickets are also available by calling

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