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A Summary of Accomplishments: Day 1

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1 A Summary of Accomplishments: Day 1
(as perceived by an interloping Canadian...)

2 Accomplishments Today
Established our Context Elicited Expectations Exposed Issues and Challenges „Guided“ ahead

3 1. Established our Context
Broadly Council of Europe – organization CEFR – policy framework ECML – professional development, capacity, & impact Empowering Language Professionals

4 Established our Context
2. Personally and interpersonally * Commonalities Languages Education Pedagogy and evaluation * Variety Countries, cultures, institutions, roles, histories, politics, experience, roles, etc.

5 Established our Context
Purpose and scope of: the project, the Guide, and this workshop

6 2. Elicited Expectations
Actions: Develop Refine Share Connect Empower

7 Elicited Expectations
Objects: formative assessment, professional knowledge, pedagogical practices, selves, colleagues, systems, students

8 Elicited Expectations
Create Interfaces between: formal systems National curricula Exams Languages taught Attainment targets, etc.

9 Elicited Expectations
And ongoing processes and Practices Teaching and learning Particular languages Motivation Individual differences & abilities Social diversity and cohesion

10 Elicited Expectations
Enthusiasm Cooperation Conviviality Expertise Openness Pragmatism „to learn everything about evaluation“

11 3. Exposed Issues/Challenges
All the usual dichotomies that usually appear in policies, education, and languages: Need to be recognized, resolved, and acted upon.

12 Exposed Issues/Challenges
Words / concepts Policies / practices Global / local Common / unique Harmony / uniformity Effective / ineffective Hierarchical / emergent Institutional / individual Evaluation / planning Schools / universities Personal development / marketplace demands Learners / teachers Language / languages Simplify / complexify Self / colleagues

13 „Guided“ Ahead How to assess with the CEFR
Non-linear access to encyclopedic complexity Pedagogical interpretation (hermeneutic exigesis) Tool for trainers, developers, individual study, and....learners Promote reflection, living with languages, increasing competence, and multiple perspectives Build confidence

14 „Guided“ Ahead Solicit your feedback Revise and refine the Guide
Connect theoretical complexity to classroom practices and praxis Enlist your continuing involvement, input, expertise, and commitment Link concepts, Guide, and Kit to your activities, colleagues, and educational systems

15 „Guided“ Ahead Continuity of learning, teaching, curriculum design, and assessing Fostering learners‘ autonomy Fostering teachers‘ reflection Adopting a comprehensive perspective that integrates language, communication, and culture

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