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Andrew Kalamut, McCarthy Tétrault

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1 Andrew Kalamut, McCarthy Tétrault
LSUC Civil Litigation Practice Essentials INITIAL CLIENT INTERVIEW AND STARTING AND DEFENDING A CASE Andrew Kalamut, McCarthy Tétrault

2 Risk Management Conflict check
Obtain client’s full legal name and contact information Client’s legal status (individual, corporation, LLP, estate, bankrupt, discharged bankrupt, person under a disability, etc.) Confirm no legal conflict Confirm no business conflict

3 Risk Management (cont’d)
Know Your Client 3. Review law of privilege with client What is privilege? How can it be waived? Risks of waiving privilege

4 Risk Management (cont’d)
Retainer/Engagement Letter Parties for whom you act Confirmation of individuals and entities referenced for conflict check Lawyers and other professionals who will do the work on file Fee arrangement Events and methods of termination Issues of conflict Other

5 Risk Management (cont’d)
Competency Are you right for this assignment? Should you refer it?

6 Initial Interview Particulars of what occurred W5
Review relevant documents with client Particulars of contract Special relationship between parties Damages sustained or expected to be sustained Consider experts Take good notes and prepare memorandum Consider asking client for narrative

7 Risk Management Revisited
Statute of limitations Other necessary and proper parties Other witnesses Insurer on notice Reconsideration of potential conflicts

8 Drafting Pleadings Plaintiff or Defendant? Always look ahead to trial
If plaintiff, plead necessary elements of actions If defendant, necessary elements of defences Pleadings set the framework for entire proceeding

9 Rules and Statutes Always keep the Rules of Civil Procedure in mind
Necessary to plead statutes that you intend to rely on Always think about limitation periods

10 Actions vs. Applications
Facts in dispute Resolved with live evidence at trial Applications Directed by Rules or statute Tried before a judge on a paper record

11 Common Pitfalls Not enough detail (failure to particularize and establish facts to support the cause of action or defence) Too much detail (unnecessary admissions) Commencing a proceeding in the incorrect monetary jurisdiction Failing to tell a compelling story

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