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College English Book 2 主讲教师 刘明霞 邢蕾 乔伟荣 叶湘.

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Presentation on theme: "College English Book 2 主讲教师 刘明霞 邢蕾 乔伟荣 叶湘."— Presentation transcript:

1 College English Book 2 主讲教师 刘明霞 邢蕾 乔伟荣 叶湘

2 Unit 1 love

3 Preparation 1.1.1 Love and Like 1.1.2 Motherly Love and Fatherly Love
Part One Preparation 1.1.1 Love and Like Motherly Love and Fatherly Love Someone You Love Most Famous Sayings on Love

4 1.1.1 Love and Like Directions:
Part One: Preparation>>Love and Like 1.1.1 Love and Like Directions: Work in pairs to talk about people you love or like, what you love or like, what you love or like doing. Those who get the most items will win. A few examples are given in the table.

5 Look at the table: People we love/like What we love/like (doing/to do)
Part One: Preparation>>Love and Like Look at the table: People we love/like What we love/like (doing/to do) love father, mother, motherland, hometown, reading, traveling, like friends, neighbors, … blue (any other colors), living in the country, … To be continued

6 … People we love/like What we love/like (doing/to do) love
Part One: Preparation>>Love and Like People we love/like What we love/like (doing/to do) love father, mother, grandparents, brothers, sisters, children, husband/wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, friends, fellow countrymen, mankind as a whole, motherland, hometown, school, nature, pets, chocolate, ice cream, a particular kind of food/ drink/fruit/meat/fish…, such as noodles, orange juice, tea, wine, chicken, beef, salmon, shrimp; sports, music, … reading, traveling, swimming, going out, talking with friends, singing, … To be continued

7 What we love/like (doing/to do)
Part One: Preparation>>Love and Like People we love/like What we love/like (doing/to do) like friends, neighbors, classmates, colleagues, teachers, group members, boss, fellow townsmen, fellow villagers, someone else’s family members, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, … blue (any other colors), a particular kind of food/drink/fruit/meat/fish…, such as noodles, orange juice, tea, wine, chicken, beef, salmon and shrimp; chocolate, ice cream, music, dance, sports, photography, calligraphy, watercolor, … living in the country, in a big city, in the suburbs, abroad…, talking about movies/music/sports/arts, shopping with my friend, getting up early/going to bed late, …

8 1.1.2 Motherly Love and Fatherly Love
Part One: Preparation>> Motherly Love and Fatherly Love 1.1.2 Motherly Love and Fatherly Love Directions: Read Erich Fromm’s statements on motherly love and fatherly love and work in groups to discuss the following questions.

9 Erich Fromm’s Statements:
Part One: Preparation>>Motherly Love and Fatherly Love Erich Fromm’s Statements: Motherly love by its very nature is unconditional. Mother loves the newborn infant because it is her child, not because the child has fulfilled any specific condition, or lived up to any expectation. Fatherly love is conditional love. Its principle is “I love you because you fulfill my expectations, because you do your duty, because you are like me”.

10 Questions to Erich Fromm’s Statements:
Part One: Preparation>>Motherly Love and Fatherly Love Questions to Erich Fromm’s Statements: 1) What do you think about Erich Fromm’s view on motherly love and fatherly love? Sample 2) Can you tell the difference between them according to your personal experiences? Sample

11 Sample to Question 1 Back to the Topic
Part One: Preparation>> Motherly Love and Fatherly Love Sample to Question 1 It is true that motherly love is unconditional. I believe what I’ve got from my mother is the deepest love I’ve ever received. (When I was at home, mother took good care of me / celebrated my birthdays / woke me up and prepared breakfast… Now I am away from home, she calls me every two or three days…) It seems that my life is much more important than hers. As for fatherly love, I am not sure if his love is conditional, but obviously it’s different from mother’s love. Father also loves me very much (cares about my education, future but not much about my daily life; helps in my study and progress…). Back to the Topic

12 Sample to Question 2 Back to the Topic
Part One: Preparation>> Motherly Love and Fatherly Love Sample to Question 2 I think there’s something in his statements, although it is hard for me to identify whose love is fatherly and whose love is motherly in the case of my parents. Unlike most mothers in the world, my mother is strict, concerns with my study and progress, gets angry when I cover up any of my wrongdoings… On the other hand, my father has been very kind to me. He knows my needs, comforts me after my mother criticizes me, brings me toys, books, takes me to look around during holidays… I enjoy his company very much, feeling secure and relaxed. That is why I often think I have the best father in the world. Back to the Topic

13 Part One: Preparation>>Someone You Love Most
Directions: Work in groups to tell your group members whom you love very much and explain why. To be continued

14 Useful Words and Expressions
Part One: Preparation>> Someone You Love Most Useful Words and Expressions kind 和蔼的 thoughtful 考虑周到的 forgiving 宽容的 caring 关心他人的 patient 耐心的 helper 帮手 generous 慷慨的 housework 家务 hard-working 努力工作的 a good listener 善于倾听的人 point out one’s mistakes 指出某人的错误 a good cook 好厨师 encouraging 鼓励的 tender 温柔的 honest 诚实的 gentle 温和的 respectable 值得尊敬的 easy to get along with 好相处的 Sample

15 Part One: Preparation>>Someone You Love Most
Back to the Topic Sample I love my mother most, because she is always very kind to me, unlike my father who will scold me or slap me if I make mistakes or if I am naughty. My mother is an ordinary-looking woman, but in my eyes she is very beautiful. She is very hard-working and does almost all the housework. When I was working for the entrance examinations, she was very considerate and never let me do any housework. When I was hungry at night, she would fix a snack for me. She is a good cook. It’s a pity that I am not able to have what she cooks because I am far away from home now.

16 1.1.4 Famous Sayings on Love 真爱永不老。 真爱是付出,而非索取。 真爱基于尊重。
Part One: Preparation>>Famous Sayings on Love 1.1.4 Famous Sayings on Love ● True love never grows old. 真爱永不老。 ● True love is giving, not taking. 真爱是付出,而非索取。 ● All true love is founded on esteem. 真爱基于尊重。 ● Love asks faith, and faith firmness. 爱情需忠诚,忠诚需坚定。 To be continued

17 Famous Sayings on Love 若是无尊重,爱情不久长。 付出爱才能收获爱。 courts. 爱情不分贫贱与富贵。
Part One: Preparation>>Famous Sayings on Love Famous Sayings on Love ● Without respect, love cannot go far. 若是无尊重,爱情不久长。 ● Love is the reward of love. 付出爱才能收获爱。 ● Love lives in cottages as well as in courts. 爱情不分贫贱与富贵。 Go to Part 2 End of Part 1

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