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Pension Task Force Brought to you by the Arizona City/County Management Association Government Finance Officers Association and the League of Arizona Cities.

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Presentation on theme: "Pension Task Force Brought to you by the Arizona City/County Management Association Government Finance Officers Association and the League of Arizona Cities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pension Task Force Brought to you by the Arizona City/County Management Association Government Finance Officers Association and the League of Arizona Cities and Towns

2 Introductions

3 Overview of PSPRS

4 Overview of PSPRS

5 Overview of PSPRS

6 Formation of the Pension Task Force
Increasing Costs GASB Fields Decision Need for a municipal voice ACMA/GFOAz/League collaboration

7 Ground Rules for PTF Discretion Municipal Employer Focus No Whining
No personal attacks You are responsible for you Open Meetings? Others?

8 Parameters for Reform PSPRS only
Focus on policy, statutes, constitution(s) Both legislative and non-legislative solutions Employers must take ownership of their mistakes Reforms must “move the needle” Don’t forget about Clifton Fire (5%)

9 Create a “Tier 3” within PSPRS Close PSPRS and create new DB plan
Options for PTF Create a “Tier 3” within PSPRS Pro Don’t have to pay to close Con Less flexibility/options Close PSPRS and create new DB plan Pro No debt. Greater control over plan design Can be more aggressive Con How do you pay to close?

10 Tier 3: What/When is “healthy?”
Contribution Rates? 3:1 2:1 1:1 Other Funded Status? 80% 100% 120% When 20 years 30 years Multiple generations Other

11 Tier 3: Who Goes In? New Hires Only Pro – Unquestionably legal
Con – Very slow/long recovery Everyone Pro – Rapid Recovery Con Likely need a change to AZ constitution May still violate US constitution

12 Tier 3: Other Options Admin Elements Contribution Rates Assumptions
Maintain Increase EE Rates 50/50 Assumptions Growth Pay Increases Amortization Period COLA/PBI Maintain Current Board Issued Dedicated COLA Indexed None Plan Elements Retirement Years of Service Age Both Payout Multipliers Compensation Definition Caps DROP Current DROP Modified DROP No DROP Return to Work Maintain/Eliminate ACR/No ACR

13 New Plan ER/EE Contribution Rates COLA/PBI DROP
Conditions for Retirement Pension Calculations Return to Work Assumptions Local Boards vs. Pooled Plan How do we close the old plan?

14 Next Meetings Potential Dates Potential Topics 8/1 8/15
PSPRS Presentation PFFA Presentation Proposals

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