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Note for teachers: This week focuses on introducing reading skills for Paper 1 – the questions are not taught explicitly but I have tried to cover all.

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Presentation on theme: "Note for teachers: This week focuses on introducing reading skills for Paper 1 – the questions are not taught explicitly but I have tried to cover all."— Presentation transcript:

1 Note for teachers: This week focuses on introducing reading skills for Paper 1 – the questions are not taught explicitly but I have tried to cover all of the skills to some degree. Lessons 1 – 3 focus on understanding and identifying the writer’s choices (AOS 1 – 3). Some features of writer’s craft are identified to build subject terminology. Lesson 4 introduces the idea of evaluation before guiding students through three opinions on the story and introducing some of the thinking processes necessary for p1, q4.

2 Stereotypes of teachers
Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing LO: To read for meaning (AO1); To identify and analyse the writer’s choices and how they create meaning (AO2) Bell work: Stereotypes of teachers Create a bullet point list of all the stereotypes you associate with teachers. Think positive and negative. Think about what teachers wear to school is there anything quirky or unusual in the dress sense of teachers you have experienced that makes them stand out?

3 My Polish Teacher’s Tie
Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing LO: To read for meaning (AO1); To identify and analyse the writer’s choices and how they create meaning (AO2) My Polish Teacher’s Tie What do you notice about the title? The personal pronoun “My” is used – what does this make you think about the viewpoint of the story? What do you think the significance of ‘Polish’ is in this title? Why mention a tie in a story title. What does it indicate or make you think about this teacher? Checkpoint: What skill are we using in this type of question?

4 Characterisation Read page 1 of the story
Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing LO: To read for meaning (AO1); To identify and analyse the writer’s choices and how they create meaning (AO2) Characterisation Read page 1 of the story What impressions are we given of the ‘part-time catering staff’? How does the teachers treat her? (look at lines 20 to 23) How does Mrs Carter get the Head teacher's attention? (Look at lines 23 – 26) What technique is used in this dialogue and what effect does this create? How does the Head teacher treat her? (look at the Head teacher’s speech)? Who has power in this situation and how is this presented across page 1?

5 Quotation selection Checkpoint: Discuss the quotations selected.
Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing LO: To read for meaning (AO1); To identify and analyse the writer’s choices and how they create meaning (AO2) Quotation selection Checkpoint: Discuss the quotations selected. Why short and snappy quotes? Why have you selected those examples? What was the writer trying to make you think or feel with those particular words? Who has power in this situation and how is this presented across page 1? Choose 3 short and snappy quotes to support your response to this question.

6 Who do you feel sympathy for in the story and why?
Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing LO: To read for meaning (AO1); To identify and analyse the writer’s choices and how they create meaning (AO2) Plenary Response to the text Who do you feel sympathy for in the story and why? What are your main impressions of Mrs Carter?

7 Who would write a handwritten letter? What is a penfriend?
Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing LO: To read for meaning (AO1); To identify and analyse the writer’s choices and how they create meaning (AO2) Bell work: Who would write a handwritten letter? What is a penfriend? What would the modern equivalent be? Challenge: Write the introduction of a letter to someone who you have been paired up with by the school to write to in another country.

8 Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing
LO: To read for meaning (AO1); To identify and analyse the writer’s choices and how they create meaning (AO2) Reading for meaning: Read lines 28 to 62 As you read underline any expressions you are unsure about Then think about the italics. Is the grammar accurate? What do you notice about it? Bird Symbolism is often used in literature to make a point about characters lives. Identify the symbolism relating to Birds in lines 47 to 52. Write the quotation down Explain what this could symbolise for both ‘Steve’ and ‘Carla’. What tone can you identify and explain in the writing from Carla’s perspective?

9 These questions track through the lines 28 to 62:
Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing LO: To read for meaning (AO1); To identify and analyse the writer’s choices and how they create meaning (AO2) Reading for meaning: Read lines 28 to 62 These question one style questions are about information retrieval, meaning that you select information and it is written in a short form. This is a quick and easy question designed to ease you into the paper. These questions track through the lines 28 to 62: What does Steve think Mrs Carter does for a job? Who is Mrs Carter’s daughter? What nationality were the songs Mrs Carter’s mother sung to her? What makes Mrs Carter feel like she is talking to Steve? What was the second poem Steve wrote about? How does Steve write? Checkpoint: Feedback How easy/difficult was it to retrieve the information? Why? What should you avoid for these questions in the future?

10 Explain the effect of the changes in thoughts and feelings.
Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing LO: To read for meaning (AO1); To identify and analyse the writer’s choices and how they create meaning (AO2) Plenary How does the writer show a change in the thoughts and feelings of both characters throughout this extract? Select quotations from both Steve & Carla to show their feelings and thoughts at the start of the extract and then quotations for the end of the extract Explain the effect of the changes in thoughts and feelings.

11 Challenge: How would a Head Teacher react?
Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing LO: To read for meaning (AO1); To explore how the (AO2) Bell Work What is Ofsted? How do teachers react to news that Ofsted are visiting the school? Why? Challenge: How would a Head Teacher react?

12 Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing
LO: To read for meaning (AO1); To identify and analyse the writer’s choices and how they create meaning (AO2) Read line 63 to 90 Vocabulary Self-deprecating Unconfident Unassuming Insecure Embarrassed Ashamed Nervous Doubtful Writers often create effects with the EMOTIONS they imply characters have How has Dunmore used character emotion to create an effect? Discuss these words and DEFINE them in your books Would you say these words were positive or negative? Why? Which character do they describe? Why would you say this? Select a quotation from lines 63 to 93 to show the Character ______________ is showing characteristics Next to each quotation explain why you think the character is behaving like this Teacher led discussion of the vocabulary and define together as a class. Scaffolding – teacher can write line numbers next to the vocabulary to describe Carla if this is needed in their class

13 Societal Expectations
Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing LO: To read for meaning (AO1); To identify and analyse the writer’s choices and how they create meaning (AO2) Societal Expectations Thinking about inferences What does Carla’s reaction to Steve coming over to visit show about her social role? Why does the Head not ask Carla to have Steve stay with her? What does this imply about social hierarchy? (define hierarchy) How does this make both Steve and Carla feel? Why do you think Carla and Steve no longer write to each other?

14 Societal Expectations
Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing LO: To read for meaning (AO1); To identify and analyse the writer’s choices and how they create meaning (AO2) Societal Expectations Plenary When you infer from a text – what are you doing? How are you doing this? What can you use in the text to help you work out what a small section of the text means? Why do you need to carefully read a text to explore inference? How can knowing words that describe EMOTIONS help with inferences?

15 Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing
LO: To read for meaning (AO1); To evaluate the writer’s intentions in creating a range of characters Bell Work: What is snobbery? How can it be shown? Challenge – Try to work out what these words mean: Condescending Supercilious Arrogant Offensive Rude

16 Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing
LO: To read for meaning (AO1); To evaluate the writer’s intentions in creating a range of characters Write down your impressions of how the following characters are presented: Carla Steve Mrs Kennard The Head Teacher What are the similarities? What are the differences? Think about: tone, symbolism, dialogue, first person perspective, imagery, simile.

17 Think about & select evidence for:
Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing LO: To read for meaning (AO1); To evaluate the writer’s intentions in creating a range of characters Evaluate: Some readers have suggested that “Carla and Steve are presented as outcasts to show that society needs to be kind to all humans” How far would you agree with this statement with reference to the characters in the final lines from 90 to 150? Think about & select evidence for: Carla’s hesitance to speak to Steve Mrs Kennard’s rude behaviour Carla’s reaction to Mrs Kennard’s rude behaviour Steve’s delight at meeting Carla The Heads behaviour The symbolic meaning behind the bright and garish tie

18 Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing
LO: To read for meaning (AO1); To evaluate the writer’s intentions in creating a range of characters Some readers have suggested that “Carla and Steve are presented as outcasts to show that society needs to be kind to all humans” How far would you agree with this statement with reference to the characters in the final lines from 90 to 150? Build your evaluation now by linking the quotations to the statement and saying how these build an argument that humans do need to be kind to everyone Carla’s hesitance to speak to Steve Mrs Kennard’s rude behaviour Carla’s reaction to Mrs Kennard’s rude behaviour Steve’s delight at meeting Carla The Heads behaviour The symbolic meaning behind the bright and garish tie

19 Swap and Peer assess your evaluations
Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing LO: To read for meaning (AO1); To evaluate the writer’s intentions in creating a range of characters Plenary: Swap and Peer assess your evaluations What is good about the evaluation? What could be improved? How much evidence (quotations) is included? Is the viewpoint in the writing clear? Yes/No Why?

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