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Validate Personnel Accountability

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1 Validate Personnel Accountability
Adjutant General School Captain Career Course Validate Personnel Accountability w/eMILPO Insert September 2015

2 Who’s on first? SHOW SLIDE 2: WHO’S ON FIRST NOTE: Concrete Experience

3 Terminal Learning Objective
Action: Validate Personnel Accountability Conditions: In a small group environment, using readings, classroom discussions, presentations, doctrinal publications course reference materials and an awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standards: Preparation results in a planning tool for Battalion/Brigade S-1s to use across all stages of deployment cycle support that captures required training, actions, and processes that must be completed or managed to successfully manage Personnel Accountability. Define Personnel Accountability 2. Correlate Personnel Accountability doctrinal responsibilities at each echelon of command Identify Personnel Accountability HR Enabling Systems Identify the components of a Personnel Asset Inventory Show Slide 3: Terminal Learning Objective NOTE: Inform the students of the Terminal Learning Objective.

4 What is Personnel Accountability
FM 1-0: Personnel Accountability is the by-name management of the location and duty status of every person assigned or attached to a unit. Effective Personnel Accountability depends on timely, accurate, and complete personnel data/information entered correctly and updated as promptly as possible. Soldiers Reportable Army Civilians Contractors Authorized to Accompany the Force (CAAF) Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational personnel (JIIM) when directed Show Slide 4: Personnel Accountability Personnel Accountability is the by-name management of the location and duty status of every person assigned or attached to a unit. It includes tracking the movement of personnel as they arrive at, and depart from, a unit for duty. The Army's personnel accountability system is designed to account for: Soldiers Reportable Army civilians Contractors Authorized to Accompany the Force (CAAF) Joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational personnel when directed Personnel accountability is one of the most important functions a battalion or brigade S-1 performs on a continuing basis regardless of location or environment. Data accuracy is critical to the personnel accountability process. Promptly entering personnel accountability changes allows HR leaders at all levels to have timely and accurate personnel accountability data and enables S-1s to balance MOSs within brigades, battalions, and companies. Personnel accountability is the key factor used for conducting strength reporting. NOTE: Ask the students how PASR can effect the commander’s decisions and the unit’s mission. Encourage students to share real-world experiences that will help clarify these definitions. Ensure students fully understand the mission. Personnel Accountability is the key factor used for conducting Strength Reporting FM 1-0, Chapter 3

5 Personnel Accountability
Process HRC NOTE: The HRSC provides reports, data, and analysis as needed. SIDPERS eMILPO SIDPERS RLAS DTAS SIDPERS N I P R N E T S I P R N E T Human Resources Sustainment Center ASCC G-1/AG Corps G-1/AG Theater Gateway Personnel Accountability Team Show Slide 5: Personnel Accountability Process Personnel accountability includes the by-name recording of specific data on arrivals and departures from units (e.g., unit of assignment, location), duty status changes or grade changes, Assignment Eligibility and Availability (AEA) codes, and MOS/specialty codes, etc. As mentioned earlier, Battalion and brigade S-1 Personnel Readiness sections are at the “tip of the spear” for Army-wide personnel accountability execution and require a team of HR professionals who are competent with automated HR systems and understand the personnel accountability process. S-1 section leaders need to ensure their Soldiers are trained to work in a deployed or austere environment. This slide depicts the personnel accountability process and the PA flow for data and individuals. Note that at Division-level and above, HR Personnel Accountability shifts from “reporting” to “monitoring.” Additionally, the HRSC has the overall responsibility for DTAS management that we will be discussing later in greater detail. Division G-1/AG Personnel Accountability Team Brigade S-1 Reporting View Only Battalion S-1 FM 1-0, Figure 3-3

6 Personnel Accountability HR Enabling Systems
Electronic Military Personnel Office (eMILPO) Standard Installation/Division Personnel Reporting System (SIDPERS) Regional Level Application Software (RLAS) Tactical Personnel System (TPS) Deployed Theater Accountability Software (DTAS) Show Slide 6: Personnel Accountability HR Enabling Systems NOTE: Explain to the students that this portion of the lesson will be a general overview of the systems that support PA and in subsequent lessons that will receive more in-depth, hands-on training on each of the enabling systems. There are several HR enabling systems that assist Brigade S-1s in performing accurate and timely personnel accountability, if the systems are used properly. The critical enabling systems for personnel accountability include: (1) Electronic Military Personnel Office (eMILPO) SIDPERS (ARNG) RLAS (AR) Tactical Personnel System (TPS) Deployed Theater Accountability Software (DTAS)

7 Personnel Asset Inventory

8 The Interrelation of Key Functions

9 Summary Personnel Accountability Principles Doctrinal Responsibilities
HR Enabling Systems Personnel Asset Inventory Show Slide 9: SUMMARY NOTE: Review key points and summarize lesson. Personnel Accountability Defined Doctrinal Responsibilities HR Enabling Systems Personnel Asset Inventory

10 eMILPO The Army’s personnel accountability system of record…including mobilized USAR and ARNG Provides reliable, timely and efficient mechanism for managing personnel accountability, strength reporting and personnel actions Provides visibility of location, status and skills of Soldiers down to company level…vital in determining unit’s warfighting capability Active and mobilized RC units must maintain in garrison and while deployed Web based application via NIPRNET Show Slide 11: eMILPO The Army’s personnel accountability system of record is the Electronic Military Personnel Office or eMILPO. It is an unclassified web-based application that provides the Army with a reliable, timely, and efficient mechanism for managing strength accountability and performing personnel actions. This system provides visibility of location, status, and skills of Soldiers both from a high level (top of the system) and a unit level (bottom of the system). This visibility is vital in determining the war fighting capability of the Army and subordinate commands. The active component is responsible for maintaining the eMILPO data in peacetime and while deployed. During mobilization, U.S. Army Reserve and National Guard personnel are also entered into eMILPO for accountability purposes. Reserve component units are responsible for maintaining eMILPO data throughout their mobilization. NOTE: Discuss challenges for RC units in maintaining system (training, access, etc.) Human Resource Authorization Report (HRAR or AAA-161) Unit Personnel Accountability Report (AAA-162)

11 eMILPO Personnel Accounting
Transactions Arrivals Attachments Departures Duty Status Soldier Availability Deployment Tracking SHOW SLIDE: Soldier Arrival NOTE: Inform the students that during this portion of the lesson they will receive a general overview of personnel accounting transactions that can be performed within the Personnel Accounting functions of eMILPO.

12 Personnel Accounting SHOW SLIDE: EMILPO PERSONNEL ACCOUNTING eMILPO Main Menu a. Personnel Accounting capability of eMILPO and outlines the functional areas available to support personnel accounting. The functional category of Personnel Accounting offers the following areas within eMILPO: (1) Arrival (Soldier Arrival, OCONUS Arrival, Arrival Date Correction, Mass Arrival, and Revoke Arrival) (2) Attachment (Attach Soldier (including Release from Attachment) and Mass Attachment) (3) Slotting (Slotting – Authorized Documents and Slotting – No Authorized Documents) (4) Duty Status (5) Soldier Patient History (6) Assignment History (Assignment/Duty History and Tour Credits (7) Reserve Component Accounting (Soldier Mobilization, Soldier Demobilization, Unit Mobilization, Unit Demobilization and Attach RC Soldiers/Operational Support (ADOS)) (8) DFR/DFS (Drop from Rolls or Strength, Return from DFR/DFS, and Revoke DFR/DFS) (9) Transition/Loss (Soldier Transition/Loss to the Army and Mass Transition) (10) PCS Departure (Departure, PCS Departures, and Revoke Departure) (11) RA Strength (Recall Retiree, Sanctuary/UCMJ, and Enlistment Into RA) (12) Casualty Affairs NOTE: Inform the students that the arrows point to the functions within Personnel Accounting that are used more frequently and will be covered during this lesson. The other functions not covered during this lesson will be covered in other lessons throughout this course.

13 Soldier Arrival – Soldier Selection
SHOW SLIDE: SOLDIER ARRIVAL – SOLDIER SELECTION NOTE: Have student click (+) to see the types of transactions that are listed under Arrival. Have student click “Arrival” to submit an arrival transaction. b. Arrival – An arrival transaction is used to report the arrival of an individual or group of individuals. The transaction is also used to report individuals who were previously attached. This transaction also adds one to the Present For Duty (PDY) status in the applicable MPC. This includes the Mass Arrival Transaction. The “Arrival” options consist of Soldier Arrival, OCONUS Arrival, Arrival Date Correction, Mass Arrival, and Revoke Arrival. eMILPO supports the sign-of-life concept in that, if a Soldier arrives on site, the system can arrive the Soldier without requiring the Soldier to be properly departed from the losing unit. (2) In the Mass Arrival process, the system will notify you that Soldiers must be properly departed in the system prior to processing a mass arrival. c. Search Criteria – To submit an arrival transaction, the user must select one of the following: SSN Gaining UIC Rpt Date (yyyymmdd) NOTE: In Search Criteria, inform student to select SSN and type in the SSN 9_ _4364_ _ (First set of _ _ is CL# and second set of _ _ is SN#). Select add to the Selected Criteria and click “search”. Students should be doing an arrival transaction on SSG Tammy Branson. NOTE: Inform the students to check the Select/Deselect box and click “OK”.

14 Soldier Arrival – Soldier Data
SHOW SLIDE: SOLDIER ARRIVAL – SOLDIER DATA d. When submitting an arrival transaction, user must enter or select the requested data. (*) denotes a required field. (1) Assignment Type: Local CONUS (2) Gaining UIC: WC_ _ _ _ (First set of _ _ is CL# and second set of _ _ is SN#). (3) Departure Date: Should be same as arrival date (4) Movement Designator: NO COST – ASG TO SAME LOCATION NOTE: Inform students to click “Save”, a Soldier Arrival – Summary should appear.

15 Soldier Arrival - Summary
SHOW SLIDE: SOLDIER ARRIVAL – Summary e. Arrival transactions are gain transactions which will add to the total assigned strength in the applicable Military Personnel Code (MPC). Once the transaction has been submitted the user will see the Soldier Arrival Summary that shows the Soldier has been added. This can be verified by reviewing the AAA-162 – Alpha Roster of the gaining unit. NOTE: Once the transaction has been submitted have students click “Close” to return to the eMILPO Main Menu.

16 Attach Soldier – Soldier Selection
SHOW SLIDE 23: Attach Soldier –Soldier Selection NOTE: Have student click (+) to see the types of transactions that are listed under Attachments. f. Attachments – The Attach Soldier action allows you to attach one or more Soldiers to a unit. You have the option to further attach the Soldiers without terminating the previous attachments. While the selected Soldier is stationed at the second attached unit, both units of attachment as well as the Soldier’s parent unit will have access to the Soldier’s record. If the selected Soldier is already attached to a unit, the system will prompt you at the second unit to determine whether the first attachment should be terminated. To initiate the process adding or releasing an attachment for a Soldier, you must first build a Soldier list. g. Search Criteria – To submit an arrival transaction, the user must select one of the following: (1) SSN (2) Gaining UIC Rpt Date (yyyymmdd) NOTE: In Search Criteria, inform student to select SSN and type in the SSN 9_ _4364_ _ (First set of _ is CL# and second set of _ _ is SN#). Select add to the Selected Criteria and click “search”. Students should be doing an arrival transaction on SSG Tammy Branson. NOTE: Inform the students to check the Select/Deselect box and click “OK”. At the next screen have student place a check in the “Add Attachment” box and click “submit”.

17 Attach Soldier – Soldier Data
SHOW SLIDE: ATTACH SOLDIER – SOLDIER DATA h. To submit an attachment transaction the students must enter the requested data. (*) denotes required fields. (1) Attachment UIC: WK_ _ _ _ (First set of _ _ is CL# and second set of _ _ is SN#). (2) Attachment Reason Code: ADMIN/TNG/PAY (3) Attachment Start Date: (Use today’s date) (4) Attachment End Date: (Last day of following month) (5) Duty Status: Present for Duty NOTE: Have students click “Save” once required data fields have been populated.

18 Attachment Listing SHOW SLIDE: ATTACH LISTING
i. Attachment transactions are gain transactions which add to the total attached strength in the applicable Military Personnel Code (MPC). Once the transaction has been submitted the user will see an Attachment Listing showing the Soldier has been attached. This can be verified by reviewing the AAA-162 – Alpha Roster of the attached unit. NOTE: Once the transaction has been submitted have students click “Close” to return to the eMILPO Main Menu.

19 PCS Departure Show Slide: PCS DEPARTURE
The PCS Departures—Soldier Data page allows you to process the departure of a Soldier from one installation to another. The system displays the selected Soldier’s Rank, Name, SSN, and UIC as read-only. The system also displays the Soldier’s standing on the Soldier list and the total number of Soldiers from the list.

20 PCS Departures – Soldier Selection
SHOW SLIDE: PCS Departure-SOLDIER SELECTION Note to Instructor: Have student click (+) to see the types of transactions that are listed under PCS Departure. j. Departure – A departure transaction is used to report the physical departure of a Soldier from their unit of assignment (based on orders). This transaction subtracts one Soldier from the PDY status in the applicable MPC. (1) Departure allows you to create a departure status for one or more Soldiers. To initiate the process of adding departure data for a Soldier, you must first build a Soldier list. (2) The PCS Departures allows you to process the departure of a soldier from one installation to another. k. Search Criteria – To submit an arrival transaction, the user must select one of the following: (1) SSN (2) Gaining UIC (3) Rpt Date (yyyymmdd) NOTE: In Search Criteria, inform student to select SSN and type in the SSN 9_ _4364_ _ (First set of _ _ is CL# and second set of _ _ is SN#). Select add to the Selected Criteria and click on “search”. Students should be doing an arrival transaction on SSG Tammy Branson. NOTE: Inform the students to check the Select/Deselect box and click “OK”.

21 PCS Departures – Soldier Data
SHOW SLIDE: PSC DEPARTURES – SOLDIER DATA l. When submitting a departure transaction, user must enter or select the requested data. (*) denotes a required field. Gaining UIC – W9_ _ _ _(First set of _ _ is CL# and second set of _ _ is SN#). (2) Movement Designation Code – 1A-ACC-Enilsted Gain/Officer Gain (3) Reassignment Type – RD-RSGM W/I Active Unit (4) Reassignment Reason – AC-Compassionate. NOTE: Inform the students change the departure date by adding one day from today’s date and add one day of Leave Days then click “Submit”. NOTE: Once transaction has been submitted have students click “Close” to return to the eMILPO Main Menu.

22 PCS Departures - Summary
SHOW SLIDE: PSC DEPARTURES – SUMMARY m. Departure transactions are loss transactions which will take away from the total assigned strength in the applicable Military Personnel Code (MPC). Once the transaction has been submitted the user will the PCS Departures Summary which shows that the transaction has processed. This can be verified by reviewing the AAA-162 – Alpha Roster of the losing unit. NOTE: Once the transaction has been submitted have students click “Close” to return to the eMILPO Main Menu.

23 Duty Status Change PDY to CCA PDY to CMA PDY to TDY PDY to ???
SHOW SLIDE: DUTY STATUS CHANGE NOTE: The Duty Status module lists the 12 most recent military duty statuses recorded for the Soldiers and the corresponding effective date and time. You have the option to add new statuses and to remove the most current status. You may also view and print the Personnel Action report for each successful action. The system will prompt you to confirm before changing a Soldier’s military duty status. PDY to ??? This is a good time to elaborate on other possible codes. PDY to HOS PDY to WIA PDY to AWOL PDY to ???

24 Duty Status – Soldier Selection
SHOW SLIDE: DUTY STATUS-SOLDIER SELECTION NOTE: Inform the students to click “Duty Status” to submit a Duty Status” transaction. n. Duty Status – The duty status transaction has a dual effect. Each transaction is counted as a gain or a loss within the applicable duty status. Remember, these transactions do NOT always affect the assigned or attached strength. Sometimes they only affect the applicable duty statuses. For example, Leave, Hospital, Temporary Duty, etc. o. Search Criteria – To submit a duty status transaction, the user must select one of the following: (1) SSN (2) Gaining UIC (3) Rpt Date (yyyymmdd) NOTE: In Search Criteria, inform student to select SSN and type in the SSN 9_ _1412_ _ (First set of _ _ is CL# and second set of _ _ is SN#). Select add to the Selected Criteria and click on “search”. Students should be doing an arrival transaction on SPC Herring, Don R. NOTE: Inform the students to check the Select/Deselect box and click “OK”. \

25 Duty Status – Listing SHOW SLIDE: DUTY STATUS – LISTING
p. The Duty Status allows you to add or remove a military duty status for the selected Soldier. You have the option to add new statuses and to remove the most current status. (1) To initiate the process of adding or removing Duty Status data for a Soldier, you must first build a Soldier list. (2) The Duty Status module lists the 12 most recent military duty statuses recorded for the Soldier and the corresponding effective date and time. (3) You may also view and print the Personnel Action report for each successful action. (4) The system will prompt you to confirm before changing a Soldier’s military duty status. NOTE: Inform the students to place a check in the “Add Duty Status” box and click “submit.”

26 Duty Status – Soldier Data
SHOW SLIDE: DUTY STATUS – SOLDIER DATA  q. When submitting a duty status transaction, the user must enter or select the requested data. (*) denotes a required field. (1) Duty Status picklist arrow select “CONFINED BY CIVILAN AUTHORITIES” (2) Effective date and time will automatically populate. Do not change. NOTE: Inform the students to click “Save” to add the Duty Status.

27 Duty Status – Listing SHOW SLIDE: DUTY STATUS – LISTING
Note: eMILPO message will appear that will inform you that the new Duty Status transaction will generate information and transactions for Assignment Consideration, SFP, Assignment Eligibility, and Soldier Availability. NOTE: Have the student click “OK” to continue the process. r. Duty Status listing that shows the transaction has processed. From this screen you can review/print the DA This can be verified by reviewing the AAA-162 – Alpha Roster of the assigned or attached unit. NOTE: Inform the students click on “Close” to return to the eMILPO Main Menu.

28 Check on Learning Q: What effect does a Departure transaction have on unit strength? A: It is a loss to the unit's assigned strength. Q: What effect does an Arrival transaction have on unit strength? A: It is a gain to the unit’s assigned strength. Q: What effect does a Duty Status Change transaction have on unit strength? A: The Duty Status Change transaction has a dual effect. Each transaction is counted as a gain and a loss within the applicable duty status and it also provides the current duty status of the Soldier (i.e. PDY, TRA, hospital, leave, confined, AWOL.

29 Soldier Availability Deployment
Tracking SHOW SLIDE: (Soldier Availability Deployment Tracking) a. The Soldier Availability Deployment Tracking function allows you to track Soldiers who are unavailable for deployment. Soldier Availability Deployment Tracking allows you to add, update, and remove non-availability deployment data for a Soldier. Soldier Availability Deployment Tracking Processes, illustrates the processes in the functional category of Soldier Availability Deployment Tracking. b. Soldier’s non-available deployment data meets the following criteria: The Soldier does not have an open PERSTEMPO event and the Non-Available Status is DEP – DEPLOYED or the Non-Available Status is NAT - NON-AVAILABLE-TEMP and the Non-Available Reason is DP (DEPLOYED). NOTE: The system closes the existing open PERSTEMPO event first, creates a new open PERSTEMPO event, and sends Transaction 4455 when the Soldier’s non-available deployment data meet the following criteria and the Soldier has an open PERSTEMPO event: The Non-Available Status is DEP - DEPLOYED or the Non-Available Status is NAT - NON-AVAILABLE-TEMP and the Non- Available Reason is DP (DEPLOYED). NOTE: The system closes any open PERSTEMPO event and sends Transaction 4455 to TAPDB when the Soldier’s non-available deployment data is ended by a user and meets the following criteria: The Non-Available Status is DEP – DEPLOYED or the Non-Available Status is NAT - NON-AVAILABLE-TEMP and the Non-Available Reason is DP (DEPLOYED). 29

30 eMILPO Main Menu SHOW SLIDE: (Soldier Availability Deployment Tracking) NOTE: Under Readiness, have the students click the “Soldier Availability Deployment Tracking ”. 30

31 Soldier Availability Deployment Tracking- Soldier Selection
SHOW SLIDE: (Soldier Availability Deployment Tracking-Soldier Selection) s. In the “Search Criteria” picklist, have the students select “SSN” and type (9_ _-33-83_ _), click “ADD” and click “Search” to have eMILPO find the Soldier within the database. Have the students place a “Check” on the “Select/Deselect” box and click “OK”. 31

32 Soldier Availability Deployment Tracking-History
SHOW SLIDE: (Soldier Availability Deployment Tracking-Soldier Selection) You have the capability to add, update, or remove a Soldier Availability Deployment Tracking record for the selected Soldier. To add a record, check the “Add” Non-Availability Record checkbox and click “Submit”. The system will display the Non-Availability Indicator—Soldier Data page. NOTE: Have students check the “Add” Non-Availability Record checkbox and click “Submit” 32

33 Soldier Availability Deployment Tracking-Soldier Data
SHOW SLIDE: (Soldier Availability Deployment Tracking-Soldier Data) u. In the “Non-Available Status” Search Criteria” picklist, have the students select “NAT-NON-AVAILABLE-TEMP”. 33

34 Soldier Availability Deployment Tracking-Soldier Data
SHOW SLIDE: HUMAN RESOURCE AUTHORIZATIONS REPORT (UMR) v. In the “Non-Available Reason” Search Criteria” picklist, have the students select “LZ-PENDING MILITARY OR CIVIL COURT ACTION”. w. Have the students enter “Today’s Date” for the Start Date and for the End date, have the students add 30 days form the Start Date and click “Save”. 34

35 Soldier Availability Deployment
Tracking-History NOTE: SHOW SLIDE#42: (Soldier Availability Deployment Tracking-History) x. To update or remove deployment data for the Soldier, select Update from the drop-down in the Action column and click Submit. The system will display the Soldier Availability Deployment Tracking—Soldier Data page. Click Close to exit return to the Main Menu without saving any changes. 35

36 Check on Learning Q: The Soldier Availability Deployment Tracking function allows you to track Soldiers who are unavailable for? A: Deployment Q: What sections are included in The Human Resource Authorization Report? A: Un-slotted Soldiers Unfilled positions Slotted and Unfilled positions Total Soldiers SHOW SLIDE: CHECK ON LEARNING NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity with the students. Q: The Soldier Availability Deployment Tracking function allows you to track Soldiers who are unavailable for: A: Deployment Q: What sections are included in The Human Resource Authorizations Report? A: Unslotted Soldiers Unfilled positions Slotted and Unfilled positions Changed Authorizations Total Soldiers 36

37 Terminal Learning Objective
Action: Validate Personnel Accountability Conditions: In a small group environment, using readings, classroom discussions, presentations, doctrinal publications, course reference materials and an awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standards: Preparation results in a planning tool for Battalion/Brigade S-1s to use across all stages of deployment cycle support that captures required training, actions, and processes that must be completed or managed to successfully manage Personnel Accountability. Define Personnel Accountability 2. Correlate Personnel Accountability doctrinal responsibilities at each echelon of command Identify Personnel Accountability HR Enabling Systems Identify the components of a Personnel Asset Inventory Show Slide 10 : Terminal Learning Objective NOTE: Inform the students of the Terminal Learning Objective.

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