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Why is it useful to use equivalent forms of linear equations, and how do I convert a linear equation from one form to the other?

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Presentation on theme: "Why is it useful to use equivalent forms of linear equations, and how do I convert a linear equation from one form to the other?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why is it useful to use equivalent forms of linear equations, and how do I convert a linear equation from one form to the other?

2 Homework Check:

3 Homework Check:

4 Homework Check:

5 Homework Check: Exempted

6 Homework Check:

7 Homework Check:

8 Some of One, None of the Other
Objectives: Create equations in two or more variables to represent relationships between quantities; graph equations on coordinate axes with labels and scales. Rearrange formulas to highlight a quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in solving equations.

9 NO WB Distribute Handout. Complete #1-3 with your seat buddy!!! Check on next slide!

10 Varies

11 Complete #4-6 with your seat buddy
Check! Carlos: Clarita: 5.

12 6.

13 Document Camera to complete handout:

14 Exit ticket for students:
Explain why is it useful to write linear equations in equivalent forms. What does each form reveal?

15 Mod 5 WB p. 11-12 and page 4 on Handout
Classwork: Mod 5 WB p and page 4 on Handout HOMEWORK: Mod 5 WB p RSG

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