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By Pete Kahn Mentors: Lydie Herfort and Peter Zuber

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Presentation on theme: "By Pete Kahn Mentors: Lydie Herfort and Peter Zuber"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Pete Kahn Mentors: Lydie Herfort and Peter Zuber
18S rRNA clone library of phytoplankton in the Columbia River and its coastal zone By Pete Kahn Mentors: Lydie Herfort and Peter Zuber

2 Significance of phytoplankton
Major producers: O2: 90% CO2=>C3: 50% Base of aquatic food chain

3 Interactions with other Domains
Bacterioplankton Colonization : POC=>DOC Competition for NO32- and NH3?

4 Significance: Why is CMOP interested in Phytoplankton?
Base of aquatic food chain Major producers: O2: 90%; CO2=>C3: 50% Interaction with other two Domains -Crenarchaeota: “competition” -Bacterioplankton: colonization -POC=>DOC Marine Phytoplankton bloom off the coast of Argentina

5 Traditional Methods Microscopy Flow Cytometry Chlorophyll a
Microscopy: Pediastrium Microscopy Flow Cytometry Chlorophyll a Photosynthesis: O2 production C14 uptake Filtering for chlorophyll a

6 Objectives 18S rRNA clone library for different seasons and different locations: 0 PSU, 30 PSU for spring and summer; compare to winter samples Compare with Bacteria & Archaea clone libraries from Dan Murphy Identify unexpected changes Monitor health of ecosystem Pediastrium

7 Methods Overview Understand Phytoplankton community in estuary
Phylogenetic analysis Sequence analysis w/ BLAST Yan, Q. Y., Yu, Y. H. & Feng, W. S. (2006). Genetic fingerprinting of plankton community provides new insights into aquatic ecology. Progress in Natural Science 16,

8 Methods Overview Water sample => Sterivex on site
Total nucleic acid extraction from sterivex in lab Amplification through PCR

9 Variations in nucleic acid in environmental samples
Oct 2006 Feb 2007 Between seasons Between locations April Wecoma & Forerunner: Freshwater << Surface Coastal DNA RNA

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