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Character Plot Setting How would you describe the character(s)?

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Presentation on theme: "Character Plot Setting How would you describe the character(s)?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Character Plot Setting How would you describe the character(s)?
In what way are the characters influential to the text? Are the characters likeable or not? Why? What is the plot of the story? Do you think the plot engages the reader? Can you think of an alternative start/middle/end? Is the setting suitable for the story? Does the setting create a vivid image in your mind? How? Can you think of a different setting which would be suitable? Lazarus Serum – bringing people back from the dead. Looks at the concept of bullying people who are different. Yes – it allows the Pales to have an identity They all follow the crowd – no identity as individuals Jed allows a reader to think about the consequences of bullying Yes, to a degree – could be more detailed and tense to engage a reader fully No – not enough description Jed becomes likeable towards the end. Kyle is not likeable because he is a bully. At a hospital – description of doctors giving the injection Ending could be less ambiguous

2 Character Plot Setting How would you describe the character(s)?
In what way are the characters influential to the text? Are the characters likeable or not? Why? What is the plot of the story? Do you think the plot engages the reader? Can you think of an alternative start/middle/end? Is the setting suitable for the story? Does the setting create a vivid image in your mind? How? Can you think of a different setting which would be suitable?

3 Planners In their planners, students have a specific section dedicated to DEAR. In this section, they can note down their target reading age and their current reading ages. If above, below or on target, pupils are encouraged to give themselves targets to work towards for their next STAR reading test. .


5 DEAR tutor signature___________________ Parent signature__________________

6 Can the pupils come up with an alternative book cover for the book they have just read?

7 Jed and Kyle, the school bullies, begin to beat up a pale
Jed and Kyle, the school bullies, begin to beat up a pale. A pale is someone who has died, but has come back to earth with white skin, eyes and features. Jed and Kyle are questioned at school based on the fight with the Pale. They deny what happened, and their friends Sadie, Nate & Ash begin to laugh. Jed leaves school and is unable to be picked up by his Dad. On the way home, his girlfriend Sadie is about to be hit by a car. He pushes her out the way, and gets hit himself, dying in the process. Sadie allows Jed to be given Lazarus Serum, which brings Jed back as a pale. He wakes up and is unhappy about her decision. Jed becomes friends with the boy he once bullied as all his friends have deserted him. He starts to get bullied, but he tries to win back the love of his girlfriend, Sadie. Jed and Sadie meet up, but she invites all the bullies. They try to kill Jed by setting the meeting place on fire but the plan backfires, and the bullies are left in the burning building. The story is left on a cliff-hanger.

8 ____________________________________________________________________________________________

9 Pale by Chris Wooding This book is a story about bullying, and how people can deal with bullying in their lives. However, I personally believe it teaches you to do the wrong thing in a bad situation; rather than solving the issue, it is added to. A lovely message relating to treating people as though you wish to be treated, but could be done in a more morally acceptable way.

10 Short review – would you recommend?
Name of book & author Short review – would you recommend? Picture of novel DEAR tutor signature: Parent signature:

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