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Linda Austin Director of Tribal Operations Ysleta del Sur Pueblo

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1 Linda Austin Director of Tribal Operations Ysleta del Sur Pueblo
Primary Data Sources: Identifying Tribal Priorities Annual Tribal Self-Governance Consultation Conference Revenue Generating Opportunities in Indian Country Breakout Session Thursday, April 26, 2018 Linda Austin Director of Tribal Operations Ysleta del Sur Pueblo

2 How do we identify our needs?
By collecting and analyzing socioeconomic indicators, a profile of data can highlight both community strengths and needs. Such data findings are assembled in a “Socioeconomic Profile.”

3 Socioeconomic profiles
The socioeconomic data—such as education levels, employment, household size, income, and other indicators—provide a foundation for policy and/or resource management decisions. A profile will also determine whether a tribe’s working members are competitive (in terms of education and financial attainment) when compared to local, state, and national norms. There are two approaches in determining this profile. You can create a profile using data and information found on secondary data sources, such as US Census Bureau, or you can create your own data, i.e., primary data sources. While secondary data are important sources, there are issues with them when attempting to assess Native American communities.

4 Key indicators Housing Characteristics Population Characteristics
Economic Status  Educational Attainment  Vulnerable Groups  Community Participation   Labor Force Status  Income  There are two approaches in determining this profile. You can create a profile using data and information found on secondary data sources, such as US Census Bureau, or you can create our data, i.e., primary data sources. While secondary data are important sources, there are issues with them when attempting to assess Native American communities.

5 Findings can prioritize needs
A socioeconomic report can highlight pressing community needs as well as capture changes overtime, if periodic profiles are created. With needs identified and substantiated: Tribal members are better informed about current needs. A tribe can seek grant opportunities that specifically address needs. Design Self Governance compacts to meet priorities. Tribal leaders can make data-driven funding decisions.

6 Issues with secondary data sources
Secondary data sources, such as the U.S. Census Bureau and other governmental agencies, often do not accurately reflect the tribal characteristics and traits.

7 “Indigenous nations in the United States face a ‘data landscape’ marred by sparse, inconsistent, and irrelevant information complicated by limited access and utility.”  Rainie, S.C.,Schultz, J.L. Briggs, Eileen, Riggs, P., and Palmanteer-Holder, N.L “Data as a Strategic Resource: Self-determination, Governance, and the Data Challenge for Indigenous Nations in the United States.” The International Indigenous Policy Journal, Volume 8, Issue 2. 

8 YDSP history in data collection
YDSP has been collecting socioeconomic indicators with an instrument, the Tribal Member Questionnaire, since its inception in 1997.

9 Approach to the 2016 Socioeconomic Profile
Established a committee to review and modify survey Modeled indicators after US Census Bureau instruments An effort to benchmark the Pueblo’s status against comparison regions (i.e., local, state and nation) Committee approved data collection approach Data collection period was Aug to Dec 2016 Published profile in Oct 2017 American Community Survey

10 2016 study was modernized Administered the survey online
Members were initially notified via All survey data was collected and stored on YDSP servers Data was stored locally, given the sensitivity of information Measures were taken to ensure that data collection were safely collected

11 A consultant provided technical assistance
A member of the committee Assisted with the following: Design of the survey instrument Quantitative and qualitative data analysis Report writing Graphic design of the final profile


13 Response Rate

14 Key Findings—2016 Socioeconomic Reports

15 Housing characteristics

16 Housing characteristics
Over 50% of members lived outside of El Paso and Hudspeth Counties 22% resided on the reservation Over 90% lived in the states of Texas, California, New Mexico, and Arizona

17 Educational attainment

18 Educational attainment
YDSP members (25 years and older) had lower attainment in bachelor’s degrees and higher (15.0%) compared to the nation (30.6%), state (28.4%), and county (27.5%; US Census Bureau 2015).  Highlight that close to 30% started college but are not finishing

19 Household income

20 Household income YDSP median household income (MHI) was $29,132 (2015 dollars) and, similar to personal income levels, was approximately half of that for the United States ($55,775) and Texas ($55,653).

21 YDSP next steps Publish report Reports to Community & Leadership
Leadership strategy sessions Set budget priorities Begin planning for 2020 assessment Assessments are planned for every four years Report published on YDSP website NNI Nation Building, Strategic Planning

22 Critical steps Create a committee of stakeholders
Could include govt departments & community members Create a survey instrument Model after US Census Bureau indicators Beta test with community members Select a data collection strategy that best fits community Handwritten vs online surveys

23 Critical steps Collect data Analyze data & write report
The data collection period will take time May need to an incentive to encourage participation Follow-ups–such as personal phone calls—to ask members to complete the survey Analyze data & write report Disseminate study’s findings to stakeholders Align strategic objectives to address priorities Set budget priorities

24 Thank you Linda Austin Director of Tribal Operations Ysleta del Sur Pueblo 119 S. Old Pueblo Rd. El Paso, TX (915)

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