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Modifying the modules for English Learners

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Presentation on theme: "Modifying the modules for English Learners"— Presentation transcript:

1 Modifying the modules for English Learners
Read the article, “Startling Finds on Teenage Brains,” by Paul Thompson (from the Juvenile Justice module). Discuss at your table: How might you modify this and similar articles for students who are English Learners? Share out Additional suggestions Some might think this is a model of the teenage brain, but scientists know better… Dr. Mary Adler October 2013 for ERWC workshop

2 Dr. Mary Adler October 2013 for ERWC workshop

3 Additional Suggestions for ELD adaptation
Use module texts but reduce the number Choose more accessible module texts to analyze Modify texts Vocabulary or structural substitutions Glossing difficult words Differentiate; certain students read only part Build concepts; use media; avoid minutiae Teach connotative and denotative word meanings Dr. Mary Adler October 2013 for ERWC workshop

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