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Assigned to the WEQ OASIS and BPS Subcommittees
2018 Annual Plan Items Assigned to the WEQ OASIS and BPS Subcommittees
History of Major Work Efforts
BPS Parallel Flow Visualization ATC calculations OASIS NITS on OASIS Service Across Multiple Transmission Systems Preemption and Competition Long-Term Competition PTP Rollover Rights 8/21/2018
2018 API Summary 8/21/2018 Description
Assigned Description Target Projected or Actual 2ai1 OS/BPS Paragraph 1627 of Order 890 – Posting of additional information on OASIS regarding firm transmission curtailments 4th Qtr. 2018 1st Qtr 2ai2 Allow for posting of third party offers of planning redispatch services 1st Qtr. 2018 Completed 1st Qtr. 2018 3a OS Requirements for OASIS to use data in the Electric Industry Registry TBD 3b Evaluate the ability to define specific lists to be submitted for the Query/Response in the OASIS Template format and develop new standards/modifications as needed Completed 2nd Qtr. 2018 3c Evaluate adding dynamic notification (PTP only) for the rollover rights renewal deadline and develop new standards/modifications as needed 3rd Qtr. 2018 3d Review the NAESB Network Integration Transmission Service (NITS) Business and Technical Standards for needed modifications based on implementation and operational experiences since their adoption. Areas of investigation should include, but are not limited to... 2019 3e Develop new OASIS Business Practice Standards to ensure that reservation capacity that is assigned to untagged Pseudo-Ties is preserved for that purpose. 3f Evaluate the need for new OASIS Business Practice Standards and/or mechanisms to allow documentation for coordination of partial path reservations to demonstrate the complete path associated with long-term firm interchange. 8/21/2018
Posting of additional curtailment information on OASIS
2018 Annual Plan Item 2ai1 Posting of additional curtailment information on OASIS
API 2ai1 FERC initiated in Order 890 Assigned jointly to OASIS and BPS
BPS worked initially to identify scope and data availability OASIS subcommittee work was delayed while working through other critical Business Practice Standards development. BPS and OASIS have refined the scope in light of OASIS templates that exist and have begun work to identify additional template structures and Business Practice Standards 8/21/2018
API 2ai1 FERC Initiated in Order 890 P. 1627
We agree with suggestions for the posting of additional curtailment information on OASIS and, therefore, require transmission providers, working through NAESB, to develop a detailed template for the posting of additional information on OASIS regarding firm transmission curtailments. Transmission providers need not implement this new OASIS functionality and any related business practices until NAESB develops appropriate standards. These postings must include all circumstances and events contributing to the need for a firm service curtailment, specific services and customers curtailed (including the transmission provider’s own retail loads), and the duration of the curtailment. 8/21/2018
API 2ai1 P …our requirement that OASIS templates for curtailment information be developed that will report occurrences of all levels of TLRs. This will enable the Commission and customers to monitor TLR patterns and frequency... 8/21/2018
API 2ai1 P 1629 …Transmission providers should continue to use the OASIS Schedule Details template to post information on the scheduled uses of the transmission system and any curtailments and interruption thereof… 8/21/2018
API 2ai1 Current Work Effort
Focus on interconnection-wide curtailments List of data available through TLR information in Eastern Interconnection List of data available through WECC information in the Western Interconnection Progress underway in developing NAESB Business Practice Standards 8/21/2018
API 2ai1 Current Work Effort (continued)
Data must be provided by outside agencies (EIDSN & WECC) Questions about whether data will be provided by agencies for public dissemination Data elements have been identified for Eastern Interconnection Expect that similar information is available for Western Interconnection 8/21/2018
API 2ai1 Current Work Effort (continued)
Informal discussions by OS/BPS members with IDC Working Group and WECC to identify options Verify that data exists. (Are we asking for something that can’t be provided?) Can desired data be delivered? If so, how can it be delivered? Will organizations provide the data? (confidentiality question) How soon could the other organizations provide the information after FERC orders it? Outside organizations provide info in an appropriate structure? 8/21/2018
API 2ai1 Next Steps Finalize list of information to be posted
There may be differences between Eastern and Western Interconnections Determine mechanism for making data available for posting Identify reasonable time to implement Finalize OASIS Business Practice Standards (WEQ- 000, 001, 002, 003, 008, and 013) Prepare recommendation 8/21/2018
Requirements for OASIS to Use Data in the Electric Industry Registry
2018 Annual Plan Item 3a Requirements for OASIS to Use Data in the Electric Industry Registry
API 3a Requested in 2012 -- R12001 (link)
Transmission providers are required to register certain information in the Electric Industry Registry. However, there are no requirements for OASIS to use or obtain that same data from EIR. For consistency and transparency, create requirements for OASIS to obtain and use information from the EIR. Use of Proposed Standard or Enhancement: Transmission providers’ OASIS would download EIR information for use in template and GUIs. Consistent use of point names and other information will be ensured between OASIS and e-Tagging.. Benefits: Consistent use of point names and other information will be ensured between OASIS and e-Tagging. Transparency and consistency between EIR and OASIS and e-Tagging. 8/21/2018
API 3a Normal need, high effort
OASIS and webRegistry do not currently “talk” to each other Initial Focus was on Tagging components (e.g., POR, POD, Source, Sink) Additional items for consideration: Entity codes Pseudo-Tie information Other WEQ-003 Data Elements that are permitted to be “registered” Need to work though differences between tagging and reservation definitions (e.g., Source) Need to work through differences in data element formats (e.g. # of characters) webRegistry’s data structure in some instances isn’t compatible with OASIS requirements Some items listed as “Registered” in OASIS are not being captured in webRegistry 8/21/2018
Define Specific Lists for Query/Response Templates in OASIS
2018 Annual Plan Item 3b Define Specific Lists for Query/Response Templates in OASIS
API 3b New in 2018 -- assigned to the OASIS subcommittee
Low need, low effort, low hanging fruit Specific lists which needed expanded query options were identified and Business Practice Standards drafted Recommendation submitted for EC consideration in August meeting Due 4th qtr 2018 – completed in 2nd Qtr 8/21/2018
Dynamic Notification for the Rollover Rights Renewal Deadline (PTP)
2018 Annual Plan Item 3c Dynamic Notification for the Rollover Rights Renewal Deadline (PTP)
API 3c New in 2018 -- assigned to the OASIS subcommittee
Moderate need, normal effort, low hanging fruit Much interest in the subcommittee in this API Simple approach considered by the subcommittee but additional complexity is desired 8/21/2018
API 3c Working though documentation of desired scope
How to communicate Frequency of communications Who to receive communications What information to communicate Required or optional communication by Transmission Provider Opt-in or opt-out by customers with rollover rights Will develop with an eye toward being able to establish similar functionality for NITS in conjunction with API 3d Due 3rd qtr propose to move to 4th qtr 2018 8/21/2018
Review and Make Needed Modifications to NITS on OASIS
2018 Annual Plan Item 3d Review and Make Needed Modifications to NITS on OASIS
API 3d New in 2018 -- assigned to the OASIS subcommittee
High need, high effort Due 2019 3 categories of effort Minor Corrections – typos, etc Minor OASIS Issues (Technical modifications only) Eight (8) issues identified in first subcommittee discussion Major OASIS Issues (Business Practice Standards & Technical modifications) Seventeen (17) issues identified in first subcommittee discussion 8/21/2018
2018 Annual Plan Item 3e OASIS Practices to Ensure Reservation Capacity of Untagged Pseudo-Ties is Preserved for That Purpose
API 3e OASIS document the acquisition and e-tagging documents the use of Transmission Service. OASIS documents the following: Process of requesting and granting of reservations Allocation/modification of reservation’s capacity PTP: RESALE, MATCHING, DEFERRAL, REDIRECT, RELINQUISH, FULL_TRANSFER, PART_TRANSFER, RECALL, CONSOLIDATION NITS DNR: temporary or indefinite termination 8/21/2018
API 3e Validation of Requests to Modify Firm Reservations
Prior to accepting a request to modify PTP reservation the Transmission Provider checks to see that the reservation’s transmission capacity is not already used (tagged) and is not otherwise modified (encumbered). Prior to accepting a request to terminate a DNR the Transmission Provider checks to see that the transmission capacity already tagged (encumbered). 8/21/2018
API 3e If these checks aren’t performed and the modification is granted, then the Transmission Customer would be able to use the reservation’s capacity more than once or use capacity that should no longer be reserved. This could lead to unreserved use penalties. Here are 3 examples. 8/21/2018
API 3e Example 1: Customer A has a 100 MW reservation.
Customer A redirects original 100 MW to path AB Customer A redirects original 100 MW to path CD Customer tags 100 MW on path AB Customer tags 100 MW on path CD Validity check should have prevented the redirect to path CD because the reservation’s capacity had already been redirected to path AB 8/21/2018
API 3e Example 2: Customer A has a 100 MW reservation.
Customer tags original 100 MW Customer A redirects original 100 MW to path CD Customer tags 100 MW on path CD Validity check should have prevented the redirect to path CD because the reservation’s capacity had already been used (tagged) on the original path 8/21/2018
API 3e Example 3: Customer A has a 100 MW reservation.
Customer uses original 100 MW capacity to facilitate an untagged Pseudo-Tie Customer A redirects original 100 MW to path CD Customer tags 100 MW on path CD Validity check should have prevented the redirect to path CD because the reservation’s capacity had already been committed for use on the original path. However, there is nothing on OASIS or the e-tagging system to document the use of the reservation for the untagged Pseudo-Tie. 8/21/2018
API 3e Primary Focus of API 3e
Transmission Providers and Transmission Customers need to be able to recognize when a firm reservation’s capacity is dedicated for use in a purpose that is not yet documented on OASIS or e-tagging, like the untagged Pseudo-Tie. Perform validation checks to address potential unreserved use situations Prevent the Transmission Provider from releasing the “unscheduled” reservation capacity as non- firm ATC or AFC. 8/21/2018
API 3e Key Attributes Business Practice Standards Under Development for API 3e A new item called a Managed Encumbrance (ME) is established to document dedicated use of reserved capacity ME is not a reservation but instead is a declaration of a set-aside of reservation capacity for a given purpose The Transmission Customer may adjust the capacity set-aside The Transmission Provider will treat the ME the same as if it were tagged (no release of capacity to non-firm ATC/AFC) 8/21/2018
API 3e New Defined Term Managed Encumbrance
An allocation of unconditional (not subject to Preemption) Firm Transmission Services that is set-aside in part or full and is treated in a manner similar to firm scheduled use of reserved capacity. 8/21/2018
API 3e Managed Encumbrance will be used to document encumbrances that are not otherwise recognized by OASIS. Broadly defined and implemented so that it can be used for encumbrances in addition to an untagged Pseudo-Tie that may be identified in the future Only unconditional Firm PTP and DNR reservations may be encumbered by an ME. ME may encumber capacity from multiple reservations (similar to a stacked tag) A reservation may be partially encumbered by multiple MEs Future capacity encumbered on reservations by the ME may be adjusted at any time by the Transmission Customer (examples to be provided such as when a generator is to be out of service for a period of time) Special requirements added when it is for an untagged Pseudo- Tie 8/21/2018
API 3e Special requirements added when the Managed Encumbrance (ME) is for an untagged Pseudo-Tie ME must show the Pseudo-Tie ID that was assigned to it when it was registered in the EIR (webRegistry) Pseudo-Tie ID may only be shown in one ME 8/21/2018
API 3e Example of how it would work for an untagged Pseudo-Tie
The Transmission Customer makes arrangements with Transmission Providers for an untagged Pseudo-Tie and documents the arrangement in webRegistry webRegistry assigns a unique ID to the Pseudo-Tie The Transmission Customer documents the encumbered reservation capacity of the untagged Pseudo-Tie on OASIS (e.g., if a 5 year arrangement, document the reservations being set aside for the untagged Pseudo-Tie for the 5 year period) 8/21/2018
API 3e Example of how it would work for an untagged Pseudo-Tie (continued) As conditions change the Transmission Customer may request adjustment any future increment of the ME Could release or reduce day-ahead for single day if full capacity is not going to be used Could release or reduce for extended period if generator is to be out of service Could reinstate from a previously encumbered reservation if generator is returned to service earlier than anticipated. Could add capacity if the Pseudo-Tie parameters change (e.g. Pseudo-Tied load increases faster than initially anticipated). 8/21/2018
API 3e Example of how it would work for an untagged Pseudo-Tie (continued) The Transmission Provider must approve or deny each ME request (new and adjustments) Check for a valid Pseudo-Tie ID Check that Uncommitted Capacity available from each PTP reservation Check that the reservation to be encumbered is on the same path as the ME If denied, give a reason for the denial If approved, adjust the Uncommitted Capacity for the PTP reservations that were encumbered. 8/21/2018
API 3e WEQ-001 uses several terms to refer to these dedicated uses.
Redirect standards refer to the defined term Uncommitted Capacity Resale standards refer to “reductions to the capacity available for scheduling” Partial Transfer standards refers to “reductions to the capacity available for scheduling” Full Transfer standards refer to “encumbrances” CCO standards refer to “encumbrances” Consolidation standards refer to “Uncommitted Capacity” Termination of a DNR refers to “unscheduled capacity” 8/21/2018
API 3e Modified Defined Term Uncommitted Capacity
The granted capacity of a PTP reservation at the time of Transmission Customer confirmation (CAPACITY_GRANTED) less all confirmed reassignments (e.g., Resales), confirmed Redirects on a firm basis, confirmed Redirects on a non-firm basis, displacements, approved schedules, approved MEs and confirmed Consolidations. 8/21/2018
2018 Annual Plan Item 3f Evaluate Need for Standards for Coordination of Partial Path Reservations
API 3f New in 2018 -- assigned to the OASIS subcommittee
Low need, normal effort TBD completion A high level presentation of the concept has been made to subcommittee Nice to have – lowest priority 8/21/2018
2018 API Summary 8/21/2018 Description
Assigned Description Target Projected or Actual 2ai1 OS/BPS Paragraph 1627 of Order 890 – Posting of additional information on OASIS regarding firm transmission curtailments 4th Qtr. 2018 1st Qtr 2ai2 Allow for posting of third party offers of planning redispatch services 1st Qtr. 2018 Completed 1st Qtr. 2018 3a OS Requirements for OASIS to use data in the Electric Industry Registry TBD 3b Evaluate the ability to define specific lists to be submitted for the Query/Response in the OASIS Template format and develop new standards/modifications as needed Completed 2nd Qtr. 2018 3c Evaluate adding dynamic notification (PTP only) for the rollover rights renewal deadline and develop new standards/modifications as needed 3rd Qtr. 2018 3d Review the NAESB Network Integration Transmission Service (NITS) Business and Technical Standards for needed modifications based on implementation and operational experiences since their adoption. Areas of investigation should include, but are not limited to... 2019 3e Develop new OASIS Business Practice Standards to ensure that reservation capacity that is assigned to untagged Pseudo-Ties is preserved for that purpose. 3f Evaluate the need for new OASIS Business Practice Standards and/or mechanisms to allow documentation for coordination of partial path reservations to demonstrate the complete path associated with long-term firm interchange. 8/21/2018
API 3f Questions and/or guidance from the Executive Committee?
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