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Big Data Analytics: Visualizing the Future in the Aftermarket

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1 Big Data Analytics: Visualizing the Future in the Aftermarket
Justin O. Holman, Ph.D. September 21, 2015 Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

2 Agenda What is Analytics? What is Big Data? What does the Future hold?
Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

3 What is Analytics?
Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

4 Analytics is a Hot Topic Google Analytics = Web Traffic Reports
Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

5 Analytics is a Hot Topic IBM analytics for connected cars
Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

6 Analytics is a Hot Topic
Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

7 Analytics is a Hot Topic In Sports and in the Movies
Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

8 So, what is Analytics? Web traffic tracking system? Dashboard?
Reporting tool? Buzzword? Temporary Craze? Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

9 Analytics Defined Analytics is a set of data analysis categories
Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

10 Data Analysis Categories
Descriptive Exploratory Inferential Experimental Predictive Prescriptive Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

11 Analytics Categories Descriptive > Exploratory Inferential
Experimental Predictive Prescriptive Reporting Summarizing Measuring Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

12 Analytics Categories Descriptive Exploratory > Inferential
Experimental Predictive Prescriptive Looking for ... Patterns Opportunities Vulnerabilities Relationships Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

13 Analytics Categories Descriptive Exploratory Inferential >
Experimental Predictive Prescriptive Estimate population parameters based on sample statistics Surveys Customer Loyalty Program Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

14 Analytics Categories Descriptive Exploratory Inferential
Experimental > Predictive Prescriptive Testing for ... Significance Confidence Level Quality Control Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

15 Analytics Categories Descriptive Exploratory Inferential Experimental
Predictive > Prescriptive Forecasting Simulation Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

16 Analytics Categories Descriptive Exploratory Inferential Experimental
Predictive Prescriptive > Optimization Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

17 Aftermarket Applications
Descriptive - Category Management Metrics Exploratory - Visualization of VIO Inferential - Consumer Surveys Experimental - Quality Control testing Predictive - Repair/Demand Forecasting Prescriptive - Inventory Optimization Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

18 What is Big Data?
Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

19 Big Data: In the news
Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

20 Volume Velocity Variety Take #1: Lots of Data
Fills up your servers, crashes hard drives, difficult to manage Volume Sensor collection, streaming data, Twitter feed: coming at you fast Velocity Numerical, Graphical, Social Media, Text. Etc Variety Sources: Gartner, IBM, Opex Analytics Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

21 Take #2: Overwhelming In his book, Bill Franks defines Big Data as an amount of data that overwhelms existing systems This definition recognizes new technology will be developed, but data volume will continue to grow. Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

22 Take #3: Buzzword
Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

23 Big Data = Too Much for Excel
My Take: Big Data = Too Much for Excel Relational Databases. Not flat files! Programming & SQL. Not V-Lookups! Data Scientists. Not Excel Jockeys! Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

24 Aftermarket Impact Opportunities for Competitive Advantage:
Change IT culture From gatekeepers To innovators Investment in Personnel From Server/PC Technicians To Data Scientists Migrate to the cloud Outsource your data farm Safer, more accessible in the cloud Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

25 What does the Future hold?
Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

26 Big Data Analytics Outlook
Data Volume will continue to grow Computing Power will continue to improve Software will improve also, but lag behind Cloud Migration will accelerate Excel use will slowly decrease Data Visualization will grow in importance Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

27 Big Data Analytics Focus
Data Volume will continue to grow Computing Power will continue to improve Software will improve also, but lag behind Cloud Migration will accelerate Excel use will slowly decrease Data Visualization will grow in importance Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

28 Why Visualization?
Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

29 Why Visualization? Patterns Participation
Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

30 John Snow: Broad Street cholera outbreak of 1854
Map of cholera cases helped identify the water source Pattern was only detectable with a map Would Dr. Snow have found the source with a spreadsheet? Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

31 John Snow: Broad Street cholera outbreak of 1854
Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

32 Businesses try to find the source of problems with spreadsheets
Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

33 See any patterns here?
Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

34 Would the US Military plan for war with spreadsheets?
Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

35 Could the US Military collaborate effectively with spreadsheets?
Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

36 The table map allows everyone to participate in the decision process
Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

37 The power of visualization: an example
Participants: Branch Management Finance Team CEO Problem: Strong revenue but low profit margins Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

38 The power of visualization: an example
Finance Presentation Revenue and Profit by branch location Lots of acronyms like EBITDA, IRR Rows and Rows of data in Excel Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

39 The projector looked like this: no patterns
Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

40 The power of visualization: participation
Limited Progress CEO can see Branch Managers are frustrated But they’re not participating CEO wants input from boots on the ground But they don’t speak finance The meeting moves on to analysis of outbound delivery and transportation costs... Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

41 Another Example
Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

42 Another Example
Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

43 The power of visualization: participation
Lively Discussion Clearly branches delivering all over the market, in Atlanta traffic. Branch Managers now on their feet. Pointing at the screen Participating the analysis Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

44 The power of visualization: seeing is believing
Problem Identified New compensation program rewarded revenue growth, not profit Branch Managers had no incentive to share delivery responsibility. CEO marching orders: Branch Managers to coordinate delivery Finance to revamp compensation program Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

45 Wrap Up Analytics: Ask “what type” of data analysis?
Big Data: Too big for Excel Future: More data, more analysis, more pressure to compete using analytics Visualization: Why? Patterns and Participation Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

46 Thank you! Email:
Phone/Text: (719) Blog: Copyright © 2015 TerraSeer, Inc. All rights reserved.

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