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Money Matters Key Stage 2 Budgeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Money Matters Key Stage 2 Budgeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Money Matters Key Stage 2 Budgeting

2 Money Words REF 1 Intro

3 I’m having a lovely time here in xxx.
The sun is shining and I’ve been doing lots of exciting things. Yesterday I went to the museum and saw some dinosaur bones and today I’ve been to the zoo. Tomorrow I’m going swimming with mum and dad. I’ve had lots of ice-cream; I like the chocolate ones best. Wish you were here, we could have lots of fun together. Love from Billy REF 1A: On each click the letter will appear, followed by the pictures

4 Holiday costs game How many days and nights?
2 days and nights REF 1B: Click and the dice will appear and then the arrow and then the two pictures followed by the number of nights

5 + = Where will you stay? Total cost £110.00 Cost = £10.00 Cost =
1st night 2nd night + REF 1B: Click and the dice will appear followed by the arrow followed by the image followed by the cost. This happens for each night and then the total cost will appear. Cost = £10.00 Cost = £100.00 = Total cost £110.00

6 + = What will you eat? Total cost £11.00 Cost = £10.00 Cost = £1.00
1st night 2nd night + REF 1B: Click and the dice will appear followed by the arrow followed by the image followed by the cost. This happens for each night and then the total cost will appear. Cost = £10.00 Cost = £1.00 = Total cost £11.00

7 + = What will you do? Total cost £10.00 Cost = FREE Cost = £10.00
1st night 2nd night + REF 1B: Click and the dice will appear followed by the arrow followed by the image followed by the cost. This happens for each night and then the total cost will appear. Cost = FREE Cost = £10.00 = Total cost £10.00

8 How much will our holiday cost?
= Accommodation £110.00 + = Food £11.00 + = Activities £10.00 REF 1B: Click and each overall cost will appear, followed by the total cost. = Total cost £131.00

9 Can I afford to go on holiday??
Remember to think about… 1. How much you have to spend? 2.How much the holiday will cost? REF 1B: On each click the holiday pictures will appear followed by the speech bubbles So… do you have enough money to pay for the holiday…? Or… are there other things you could do instead?

10 Budgeting is… We have to make the money we have balance with the money we wish to spend. When we manage our money to meet our needs. REF 1B: On each click the speech bubbles appear

11 Why you might need to save up for a holiday.
Today we have learnt… Why you might need to save up for a holiday. Why you need to think carefully and plan where you will stay and what you will do on your holidays and how you can use a budget to help you.

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