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Learning the Roads – Year 1 RAC Community Education

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1 Learning the Roads – Year 1 RAC Community Education
Around The Roads Learning the Roads – Year 1 RAC Community Education

2 Who Are Our Road Users?

3 Option A Read and Learn

4 That’s The Sound The Street Makes
Option A That’s The Sound The Street Makes Unsafe Behaviour What could of happened? How did Ella help make the situation safe? What did Ella teach us? e.g. Ella’s dad did not look for other pedestrians The scooter could have crashed into Ella’s Dad, hurting both the young boy and her Dad Ella said ‘ Watch out’ and moved her dad out of the way Always look (pay attention) for other pedestrians on the footpath

5 Safe and Unsafe Behaviours
Option B Safe and Unsafe Behaviours Unsafe Looks like Feels like Sounds like Safe Looks like Feels like Sounds like

6 Option B Who Will Be Sad? Best Friend Mum Grand Parents Brother
Team Mates Uncle Pet Police Officer Sister Class Mates Aunty Cousins Dad Teacher

7 What Happened to? Harvey & Maggie Audrey Felix

8 Scenario 1 Felix was playing soccer with his friends at the park. One of Felix’s friends kicked the ball too hard and it goes onto the road. Felix chases after the ball onto the road. Do you think Felix was demonstrating safe road crossing behaviour? Hold you green card up for safe road behaviour or red for unsafe road behaviour. What happened to Felix? Click on the next slide to discover what happened to Felix

9 What Happened to Felix? Felix did not stop and look for a safe place to cross. He did not see the car coming very fast and the driver did not see Felix. Felix was hit by a car and broke his arm; he won’t be able to play in his soccer grand-final.

10 Scenario 2 Audrey is walking down the footpath playing a game on her i-Pod, not paying attention she walked onto the road while the traffic light pedestrian crossing was flashing red. Do you think Audrey was demonstrating safe road crossing behaviour? Hold your green card up if you think Audrey was safe or your red card if you think Audrey was unsafe.

11 What happened to Audrey?
Audrey was hit by a motorbike and broke her leg. She has to wear a cast and cannot go to Adventure World with her friends.

12 Scenario 3 Harvey and Maggie really wanted to go to the ice-cream shop across the road. So they decided to wait for their mum to stop talking to her friend. Then Harvey, Maggie and their mum looked for a safe place to cross. They held both their mum’s hand as they stood at the pedestrian crossing. Before they stepped onto the road, they waited for the cars to stop before crossing to the ice-cream shop. What happened to Harvey and Maggie? Show your green or red card.

13 What happened to Maggie and Harvey?
Hooray! Both Harvey and Maggie went across the road safely. Harvey was allowed to eat his favorite ice-cream – Vanilla and Chocolate while Maggie had Banana and Strawberry ice-cream. YUM!

14 Conclusion “Today you have learnt that roads can be very dangerous. It is important that you make safe decisions when near the road. It is very easy to choose unsafe behaviours, and if you do choose unsafe behaviours the consequences can be serious. You should always (at least until you are years of age) have a responsible adult that can help you cross the road. It is up to you to speak up and tell your parents if they are being unsafe around the road”

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