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America moves to the cities

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1 America moves to the cities

2 Rise of Immigration Many “Push” and “Pull” factors contributed to immigrants flocking to the US in record numbers Poverty Overcrowding Religious (Jews in Russia) Job opportunities

3 Immigration Patterns Old School New School
Prior to 1880’s most immigrants came from Northern and Western Europe Southern and Eastern Europe Greeks, Italians, Croats, Slovaks, Poles, and Russians Sections of major cities became ethnic neighborhoods

4 The US government began restricting immigration by: deeming certain immigrants as “undesirables,” and enforcing stricter regulations at Ellis Island. The federal government also responded by passing the Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)

5 Most of these acts were supported by unions, the American Protective Association (Nativists) and Social Darwinists

6 Streetcars were able to shrink distance allowing people to commute to the city

7 Birth of American cities

8 Tenement Housing

9 Not everyone lived the American dream
I feel like I am all by my self. America don't even want us immigrants. They only came to America just to get a job and to have a better life. These immigrants will live in the smallest house just to stay in America and have a good life. Some immigrants save all their money for years to come here to America, that's how hard it was to come here. If I was the one that says if these immigrant can come to America I would say yes because they only come for a better life and to have better jobs. Look what they have these immigrants at the meat packing place. They clean up blood from the meat and bring big things of blood to dump somewhere. The meat packing is wrong for selling bad meat from cows that were very sick with the mad cow disease do you know what people would do and say if they knew were eating cows with the mad cow disease. Not everyone lived the American dream

10 Political Machines, Political Bosses
Political Machines consisted of a tight group of politicians The power of the machine is based on the ability of the workers to get out the vote for their candidates on election day.

11 George Washington Plunkitt of Tammany Hall
The Bosses Political Bosses were in charge of political machines Boss Tweed George Washington Plunkitt of Tammany Hall

12 Jane Addams Along with helping improve immigrants lives mostly through education, The Hull House community encouraged a remarkable number of social reforms, many of which were pushed by women. Residents helped establish the world’s first juvenile court, the city's first public playground, and campaigned for improved housing regulations, sanitation, public schools, and ward politics.

13 Chicago Hull House 1889

14 Temperance Movement Banning of alcohol
Groups such as the Women’s Christian Temperance Union and the Antisaloon league became a powerful political force whose goal which by 1916 persuaded 21 states to shut down saloons and bars

15 Pop Culture Buffalo Bill Cody Circus Wild West Shows
Pop Culture Circus Wild West Shows Baseball, Basketball, Football and Boxing topped the spectator sports Buffalo Bill Cody

16 Attempts at reform Munn vs. Illinois 1877
a. Supreme Court Rules that states can regulate certain businesses within their border if it is what is good for the public Wabash vs. Illinois a. Weakens Munn b. The Court decreed that corporations were legally “persons” entitled to the Amendment’s protections 3. Interstate Commerce Commission a. it was charged with regulating the economics and services of specified carriers engaged in transportation between states b. ended pools and rebates

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